all I want for Christmas is my eyebrow!
Our neighbors are having their annual Christmas open house later today for friends and family. We are invited and since they live in the condo across from us it does not seem too far to travel. We really have been blessed in finding a place with such great neighbors. Anyhow, I started getting ready last night...pick clothes out ( gee, what looks festive with black sneakers and afo? ) checked out my holiday reindeer head gear that lights up and plays music and waxed my brows. I am still not sure what, or how I did this, but I now have only 1.5 eyebrows! I guess I over estimated waxing area and once applied you must follow through. If I was in my twenties, this would be soooo tragic that I would not go to the, however, I am wondering if my reindeer antlers combined with a Rudolph nose would cause folks to overlook my beauty error. Nah, I guess i will just resort to the brow pencil and smile a lot!
We lost power with our snow storm Friday and I missed out on the cyber Christmas party. Bummer! I hope everyone had a good time. We all went to bed early and read by book lights.....we really only got about 10 inches but it was beautiful in the morning. The birds were all over the feeders. I was standing by the window watching them feed when a red tail hawk swooped into the yard - his wing actually hit our bedroom window. In one second the yard was clear of all wildlife! I watched the hawk where he perched in a oak tree for a bit and then flew off.
I made my rum cake last night to take to the party today.....smells so good! My hubby keeps circling the counter where I am going through my glazing process......I told him my eyesight may not be what it was, but I will know if he makes a move on my baking masterpiece!
I have come to believe that having a stroke makes us more sensitive and emotional. There are times when I simply feel overwhelmed by life and find myself crying for no apparent reason. I know if I get over tired I am more likely to spiral downward.......I guess at times we just have to work at being positive and happy...sorta the old fake it till you make it thing.
I probably won't blog till after christmas and so I wish you all a good holiday filled with joy and peace! cheers! kathy
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