fking's Blog

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I pray for peace around the world, for members here on Stroke Net where every day there is a new member joining or a new crisis that reminds me life is so short. I convey to you in my Blog to please take a mere moment of your time, too, and lets pray for: Peace of mind for the worried, peace for those suffering domestic violence, peace for those at war, peace for those in mental or physical pain..."That's many of us at this time."


Also peace for those who have lost a loved one, peace for the suffering, weak or hungry, peace for those battling within and peace in the midst of, no matter how small, the chaos we face in our world.


Every day there is someone, somewhere that needs our prayers. There is always someone "out there" needing reassurance that "things will get better." And every day, if we each take that one minute to stop and pray, whether collectively, or by ourselves...Our prayers will be answered by God.


We may not change the world, but we might make a dent in the difference in peace for tomorrow!...All of us have made some bad choices, wrong turns and many sins but here we are still with life our right minds and some strength in our bodies.


"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth Peace, good will toward men."


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