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It's SOO Hot



I am really battling with this heat. I am wondering if my internal thermostat has been completely destroyed by the stroke? I seem to feel the hot and cold weather a lot more than I used to. I feel quite faint from the heat at the moment and it has drained the little bit of energy had. The one good thing about the heat though is it forces me to drink lots of water.


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Vix dear you are battling the heat and at the same time I am sitting at my computer shivering lol. If it will help to cool you off any, here in Pittsburgh, PA it is currently 12 degrees F. with a wind chill factor of -2. And I know it's warmer here than in some areas lol.


Drinking water is good - I'm drinking hot water as coffee for quite different and obvious reasons. Take care and keep cool.

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HI VICKIE i know what u are going threw i live in georgia an it is december an i swetting all the time in the middle of the winter . We went to the mail over the weekend . and on the way to the truck i started to sweat like as if it was in the middle of the summer don't know if it is the stroke are what . Take





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