i founf y'a;;
well i finally found y'all. for christmas, i got a new laptop computer so i've had a bugger of a time trying to get all of my bookmarks e-mails, etc organized. with a lot of help from donna and bessy here, i'm finally back on line. thanks so much donna and bessey.
well december was a terrible busy month but i like busy. i did all of my shopping online and was more organized than i've ever been before. but that's not always a good thing. being organized leave time for reflection. and when i reflect, i realize that i am sad since the stroke. i think i've accepted the changes but then something reminds me about it and off i go off the deep end.
just before christmas, i started seeing an psychologist and things improved so much i decided to take time off until after the first of the year. and i had been taken off all of my AD meds, and i thought i had it under control. but i guess not. it was fine when i had lots to do but now i'm bored and getting sadder all the time.
i have noticed that i have a lot more energy since i went off the drugs but absolutely NO ambition to do anything around the house unless it involved decorating for christmas. and i'm workin harder at curves. i joined a december promotion and if i go 3x/week for the month i am entered to win a t-shirt. i am determioned to loose some weight. i think if i could just loose 20lbs i'd feel happier
emotionally i'm still the same. i don't enjoy groups at all unless it is my family and i don't seem to say the right things.
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