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Kyle is walking!...Yes!!!



Hello everyone


Just after I posted the other day I met Kyles grandparents at the local coffee shop. (they stop by there quite often) They were telling me how well Kyle has done over the holidays. He was home both over Christmas and New Years. We had a big snowstorm on New Years day and Keir (Kyle's grandfather) said that Kyle got along great and didn't seem to mind being away from the hospital. Although Keir also told me that it was very clear that Kyle was more at ease when he was back under the care of his nurses at the hospital. ( I remember those days and I remember that it took a long time to be really o k with being away from the care of the hospital staff)


When I checked the Jay Room tonight I also found a post from Mama Jay so here it is.


Darlene Jay wrote

at 3:58pm on January 4th, 2009

Happy New Year to everyone. We had a wonderful Christmas. Having Kyle home was the best present we could wish for. We also had him home for New Years and was great. As 2009 begins things can only get better and we had great news last night where Kyle took 4 steps with his right leg this is wonderful news. Kyle's will win this race it will be slow but in time he will win it. May 2009 be a wonderful year for you all.


Wow! Kyle way to Go...Great News! We knew you could, we knew you could, we knew you could. Or, as PEBO (president Elect Barrack Obama) says "Yes We Can!!!


Speaking of change, is a good segway to changing the subject. (boy that was lame)


I received an email the other day from Cathy at the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island to let me know that the education and awareness piece that I had written to help people understand why we need an Acute Stroke Unit on Prince Edward Island has gotten the green light.


There are a few changes that I agreed to and Cathy offered to do the work of editing and publishing to the point of being ready to share with elected officials, support groups and other persons of interest.


This is very exciting news to have had a hand in the publication and distribution of such an important education piece.


I (of course) will share the finished product with all of you as soon as it is ready.


Thanks for reading and until next post,


Smiles :)




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such a wonderful news. I knew it, he can do it. tell Kyle now in this roller coaster ride, ride is going up though it will come with occasional whyme hicups but by staying involve in life it will become smooth ride. way to go Kyle.

can't wait to read your finished piece.




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