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Todays another day



Kelly is off. So I share the puter. So this will be short. I lifted somthing today Im weak on the left guess Ill do somthing about that today. I went for my walk. It was cold, great to get fresh air. I met my replacement at work, a nice guy as long as hes there Ill have a job to go back to. I was about ready when I had #2. How who knows. Kelly has done the papers for ssdi Its in her hands she explanes , I forget, I wonder how it is to be married to "Pudden Head". Must be hard, even harder marriedto a a-hole. Kelly is saint. I dont want to be the same person i was. I guess Ill learn. I can observe the ones I look up to now. I feel like I have had the best days and the worst days of my life. It sucks more then you can imagine to realize your hasty etc person. If it took a stroke or two to see how screwedup I was I glad it happened. We have talked a little about her observations of the affects and effects of my stroke. I notice its my stroke. I guess its mine to beat. IU dont no. Kelly is making lunch gotta go!


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Bart, something tells me you are not as nasty of a person that you think you were. Listen we all make mistakes, and most of us pay for them. You are going to be great. Dont be so hard on yourself.. Quit reliving the past, and make the best of today. you deserve to be happy. Thank god that you have an opportunity to start a new and show him you appreciate this opporunity by doing just that. Let Go of the negative,, know you are a child of God and he loves you now as he did then whether you were mean or nasty. Be strong my friend, its going to get better for all of us :)



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I say let go let God. But I dont. I Could have done so much with my live but didnt and I took it out on my wife I would make my feel bad so I felt good. I have alot of education that I didnt use execpt to look smarter then everyone. But I realized I just a blue color hillbilly now. Not the cool classy NYC guy I used to be. That ment nothing anyway. Im starting over. Hi Im Bart I have 2 dogs and a wonderful wife to takescare of me.

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I read someplace when we live in past & future we miss our present & that will be such a waste of our present. past you can not change future you imagined may never happen, so just enjoy your present. you got this second chance at life, so make most out of it.




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