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Foot in Mouth disease

Wesley H.


As if stroke recovery is not difficult enough, I can also throw in having to deal with a bout of


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Hi Son,

If your dad and I had a nickle for every time one or the other of us had that "foot-in-mouth" disease, through the years, I wouldn't have a financial care in the world!

I hope your road bike trip works out for you! Oh! Yeah! I will be sure to know what the Chargers do too!

Talk to you tomorrow!

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Hi Bubby,

I joined! Now I know what you are up to! Anyway, I know that you would never intentionally hurt Deb's feelings or she yours. Isn't that called marriage? I am so glad you are feeling better. Let me know how the bike ride goes.You are such an inspiration. Maybe over the summer you can take up golf with me. It'll be fun! You know we will be watching the Chargers. You can take the family out of SD but you can't take SD out of the family. I Love You. Talk to you soon.

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hey wes:


I feel like I am crashing family party. though because of my stroke I am part of your family & friends. I hope Deb does not read your mom's mesage or she will find avenue to make big bucks out of your foot in mouth disease. I am sure yur bike ride will go on great, will love to hear all your truimphs





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Hi Wes, I don't think foot in mouth disease is only a survivor disease...LOL sometimes blurting out things ..does happen and yikes ... not quick enough to get those words back in.


I try to remember... engage brain before opening mouth....lol


I know Deb understands, and I know you will do the "special things" to make her feel better. Have a great ride.. and Hi to all We's family....





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