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This Website

Wesley H.


I have a bit of free time this morning before the Chargers take on the Steelers in Pittsburg.


So I want to take this opportunity to state how thankful I am to have stumbled across this website! I never imagined that there were so many others out there dealing with and experiencing some of the same things I cope with myself. This site provides me with the support, information, inspiration, and humor that only other survivors can truly understand and appreciate.


This blog provides me space to write down the things going on in my life and in my mind. It allows my family members, thousands of mile away, to keep up with my life in a manner we never had before. Sure, there were emails and phone calls


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I am so happy for you that you are enjoying these great site, which was started by steve Mallory who is brainstem stroke survivor & quadraplegic.


for me this site saved me from doing something horrible to myself & hurting my family in return. I used blogging heavily in those times & call them my happy pills. I found huge support & underrstanding in my trial times on here. My hubby & son still question why do I spend so much time here. I find enough strength & courage on this site. my post stroke life is full & happy again, but it was hard & lonely road without this site in the begining.







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Hi Wes, We are gla you found us here also. I know the day stumbled on it I felt a huge relief.. no not that others had a stroke, but that I was NOT going crazy.. and I was not the only one on the planet to experience it. I had "stroke mates"


There are many many volunteers who keep this site running, some are visible, many behind the scenes, writing and looking for grants, supporting sales or ways to make money to keep the site going thru fundraisers, out shop on line. People wriitng documents, registering and validation. Chat hosts and of course all members who post or reach out a hand to help the next survivor , caregiver or family member.


I like tht "Dad's my space"


we look forward to sharing and getting to know you better.



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Hi Wes,


We are so glad that you have discovered us and that you are getting so much support from the site. The commradity here cannot be beat that's for sure.


It's hard for some "real world" friends and family to understand us. But here we find our safe haven. I look at all here as my cyber family who are very near and dear to my heart.


Having said that I must say something to you, oh cyber cousin - sorry my team beat your team - c-ya next year :D Love ya :friends:

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Hi Son,

I am glad you sent me the link to this site too and I am very thankful that it is such a help to you. Until today, I hadn't really thought of myself as a survivor but after talking with someone today I realize I really am. No, I, myself, didn't have a stroke but I survived the stroke that took your Dad, my husband of 57 years to his eternal home and in less than two months, you, my son, suffered a stroke that did NOT have the same results, Thank God. Yes it has been, and will continue to be something we live with and "work-around" but we have survived and we will look at life situations in a way we hadn't noticed before! Like a site like this that connects us with people who become like family that we would never have known about! I have a book that kind of spells it out: "We Really Do Need Each Other." Sometimes, we just don't realize it!


Sorry the Chargers lost today!


Talk to you tomorrow!

Love ya'


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