2009 will be a good year
today i saw the psychiatrist and this week, i also saw the psychologist. so i got a prescription for prozac today and will start tomorrow. he doesn't want to see me for a month. i think i finally have a handle on this thing. and i have lots to do to get ready for the baby shower so that is good and will take me right through march and the baby. then spring will be here and time to plant the flowers. so life is going to go on in spite of me and my issues. thanks to all of you who sent me messages of encouragement. i guess this is one more step in the acceptance of life after stroke. i thought i had done that already but it seems i hadn't. i never thought much about mid life crisises and me. i was never the type of person who had problems like that. but i guess with stroke came a new brain so i need to be prepared for new things now. for right now i just want to grow old gracefully. i have a new appreciation of the eldrly and their problems. i never want to be without an activity for my hands or brain. inactivity breeds unhappieness. marge is a living example of that. she refuses to push herself in any direction. hence her inability to do things with out issue. i refuse to be that rigid. i will keep trying to stay involved in life.
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