Disfunctional biologically related units
Well, my male sibling unit somehow stole one of my checks and my debit card number. He then wrote at least one check for $3065. and then used my debit card number to pay for my cell phone bill, both unauthorized. I tried to report this to the police, but was told since he did not personally gain from this activity there was nothing I could do, no crime was committed.
I then tried to explain the cell phone bill to my female sibling unit. (how my credit card number ended up as payment for my cell phone, especially since my 'father' pays the bill). She just could not understand what happened, it went right over her head. I then had my counselor call my brother-in-law, and he too refused to believe it: that male sibling unit would never do something like that.
Anyone want to adopt me. Must have money and love dogs!
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