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emails from Garrett's mom Eileen





Garrett, Stacey and Zach


Hi Everyone


I just came from checking in on the Jay room and all is quiet. (no posts from mama Jay) Of course that could mean that Kyle is busy relearning to walk and talk and Darlene and Garth are also busy getting things ready for Kyle to move home soon. (see the video in my last post)


Anyway I sent an email to Garrett's mom Eileen with the link to the CBC Compass news video ( http://www.cbc.ca/pei/media/video/pe-kylejay.ram ) on Kyle and here are the emails that she sent back.


"Hi Gary,


Good to hear from you. Darlene sent me the link and I was able to watch Kyle and his dad last week. He looks great-hard for me to watch. Brings back lots of memories. I was most impressed with Kyle's ability to keep his composure when his dad got emotional. Garrett never would have been able to do that. I know Kyle will continue to recover and pray for him and his family.


Garrett continues to move forward with his life. He's taking a college class this semester. He is becoming confident with his driving and has ventured out on his own. He is also going out more with his friends. He loves his job-I think he was concerned that no one would hire him, so it's a relief. They love him there (at the cleaners) and it's great that he has to interact with strangers and make his speech understood. We are so proud of his continued recovery.


We are involved in the American Heart/Stroke association's heart walk in May. A fundraiser that is very close to us all. We walk with Gaylord Hospital. I'll send you his heart assocation web page-the picture is of Garrett with his inpatient Occupational Therapist Stacey and her son Zach. We never dreamed that Garrett would be able to hold her son. How far he has come. It still amazes me that neurologists and doctors do not believe that young people have strokes. Like Kyle, Garrett was mis-diagnosed for the first 30 hours. We are hoping to educate others, so that doesn't happen anymore. I know that Kyle's parents are fighting to get a stroke unit in their hospital. We had one in ours (in fact it's now nationally recognized), but it didn't matter. Education is the most important, that's why we try to be as involved as we can. Garrett will be a "stroke ambassador" for the heart walk for the 3rd year. How time flies.


Thank you for sending me the link. I always tell Darlene that it is a matter of time, of the brain healing. I know firsthand how hard it is to understand. I kept waiting for Garrett to "sit up and start talking" and be normal again like the neurologist initially told us he would. It took a long time for me to understand that this is an ongoing recovery. I think Garrett has a better understanding of that than I do. Garrett always comments that he will be in recovery for the rest of his life.


Hope all is well with you. Thank you for staying in touch-love to hear from you!






"American Heart/Stroke Association



Hi Gary-here's the link to Garrett's web page


Unfortunately, too many of us have a loved one affected by heart disease or stroke. To help stop this, I will be walking in this year's Start! Heart Walk benefiting the American Heart Association. I have set a personal goal to raise funds that are needed for critical heart disease and stroke research and education.


You can help me raise funds and protect those you love by making a donation online. Click on the link below to visit my personal donation page where you can make a secure online credit card donation. The American Heart Association's online fundraising website has a minimum donation amount of $25.00. If you prefer a smaller amount, you can do so by sending a check directly to me.


Your donation will make a difference in the fight against our nation's No. 1 and No. 3 killers-heart disease and stroke. Thank you for your support.


Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support American Heart Association - FDA Greater New Haven, CT"


(note: Link disabled as it is not the intent to ask for contributions as per Stroke Network policy)


Garrett is giving Kyle a great example to follow and Garret's mom Eileen has been an encouragement to Kyle's mom Darlene.


Thanks for reading.


Smiles :)




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hey Gary:


thanks for sharing Garrett's story with us. I know knowing Garrett's story to Kyle will make world of difference in his life. I know I was so looking forward to meet young survivors when I was in hospital who could tell me life will be great once again.

I think Gary you have earned your wings.




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You have definitely earned your wings for the way you ensure that we know what is going on with Kyle, Garret, and families.

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Hi Donna


Thank you!


btw I talked to Kyle's little brother and his grand parents at our local Tim's (coffee shop) yesterday morning. They are all extremely pleased with Kyles progress and the encouragement he has received from the stroke community.


Smiles :)



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