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Hey, Wesley, I always look forward to your posts. Ouch! How inconsiderate of your co-workers. At least you know in your heart that your effort was sincere.


Love the tatoo! Hopefully, this will be the only stroke reminder tatoo you ever need. We don't want a second!


Hope the rest of your week goes well. The admin in your department is fortunate to have you as one of her supervisors.



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Love the tatoo Wes. Pretty darn classy. Your co-workers deserve a slap-upside-the-head for what the pulled on you. How rude, ignorant and pompous of them. I'm sure the gift that you presebted her with will mean more to her than that lunch - I hope she gets even with them on Boss's Day.

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That was really rude of them. Rudeness is never acceptable. They say you need to teach people how to treat you. I have not one positive suggestion. Horses patooies all. Karen

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Wes: I am sorry you had to experience that from your co-workers. What goes around, comes around, their day will come. But, I am proud of you that you held you head high even though you were upset and hurt. No one deserves to be treated with no respect. It was vey kind and considerate of you to bring in that gift basket and card. Even though you said it was from all of them, that gal will know deep in her heart it is from you and with you not being at lunch with her, she's no dummy, she will know. I am proud you didn't make a scene, etc. You are the bigger person.

Getting your tatoo made you a tough, strong dude now. They best watch their step. Just because they were rude and ignorant doesn't mean you have to step down to their level.

You have more important things to do. Life is too precious Wes, you have worked and fought far to long and hard to get where you are today. Don't let them stress you out. If I lived closer to you, we could go out to lunch and I would even treat you.

I am happy you got your tatoo, I don't think I would ever get one, as you stated the date of your stroke is forever with you. I don't need one as I will never forget that date or the date I had my two TIA's. Every morning where I see all the scars is a constant reminder, my neck from the two trachs, my bypass scars on over the chest, feeding tube scars from three surgeries, etc. I am like a darn roadmap. I can take memory lane journeys. But, I am happy you got it if it is something you really wanted. Different strokes for different folks. oops, don't mean it as strokes, We each have ideas for ourselves. Wes, I am happy you came to update, I have missed you.

I am praying for you and I am going to pray that all those people who hurt you look back and realize how their actions hurt you.

People need to learn to love one another and be kind.

God Bless,


Believe In Miracles and SOAR

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hey Wes:


some people are inconsiderate, don't allow them to rain on your parade. My husband took all of his department secretary out to lunch. Though giving personalized gifts would have been great idea. Next year I will do it for him. your tattoo is amazing. BTW do you also ride Harley





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Sorry I didn't call you last night, especially since you had the day you had. I didn't even read this until this afternoon. Maybe when I call you this evening, today would have found some people eating crow! They should be anyway! You had every right to be ticked off. I know it had to be hard to accept...but once again, you showed what you were made of, even when they were being jerks!

To take a comment from Jan's reply: "I am praying for you and I am going to pray that all those people who hurt you look back and realize how their actions hurt you. [i even hope it happened today!]

People need to learn to love one another and be kind."


The tattoo looks much better than at first! [ha]


Love you


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I am so sorry you had to experience this. Sadly it happens, people don't want to accept or be around what they do not understand. For 5 years I experienced that exact treatment and worse, My advice to you, is this: LET GO LET GOD, LET GO LET GOD.


I suggest your follow Miracle Thought for the Day with Marianne Williamson on Oprah podcast, they are wonderful and I wish I had known about them back then.


Im here if you need help

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