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Thought I was having another stroke



Well, still not feeling well today. I guessed I pushed myself too hard. I slept late and then tried to nap( my usual routine) Started getting a headache so I couldn't sleep. Not feeling well when my ride came so I could get to church to volunteer. Thought it would do me good to get out. Well started feeling vry hot and headache getting worse. I took it easier than usual. Only there 2 hours and decided to leave early. Called Mom to get a ride home. She came and picked me up. I vomited in her car on the way home. Her new car( well 1 year old) I tried to be careful. I was holding a bag of her library books. Kept thinking not on the books. All of it landed on me. I was OK until I got out of the car. Touched door to get out and unbuckled seat belt. Both were dirtied in the process. I felt much guilt. My kids were wonderful. They helped cleanup the car and brought me clean clothes in the bathroom where I was taking a shower, collected my dirty clothes and started washing them. I felt much better then. Went to bed. Laying there started thinking about the last couple days. Teouble seeing out of my left eye yesterday, the headaches I have been having lately, not being able to sleep, vomiting. I was convinced I was having another stroke. Planned my packing list for the hospital and thinking who I would call to be with the kids. Guess I didn't have another stroke (thank goodness) Here I am collecting my thoughts. Wrote a small grocery list for hubby to buy in the morning ( 7-up, popsicles, etc) Wrote out my list to do. Basically teying to write things down so I could stop 5hinking about them. Even wrote my hospital packing list. Hopefully won't need it, but ready if I do. I decided I would get a trike and ride where my husband thinks would be OK. The freedom and exercise will be good for me! Headavche still here, but feeling better, even hungry! too bad I cannot get a snack. I forgot to set something aside. I am locked in the basement at night(bedroom, bathroom, family room (with computer, small fridge) Oh well, hopefully sleep comes soon! No stroke so far tonight. Now I am hyper sensitive. I am sure you know what I mean!


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PLEASE at least let the Doctors decide if this was a stroke or TIA or what. Do not trust your own opinion. When I had the stroke that required flight for life I never lost conciousness But my heartbeat was nearly undetectable. Please do not mess with this Karen

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