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Karens Wonderful World WoW



Well we went camping in the Colorado High Country and believe it or not we made it back in time. Our Grandaughterwas admitted the day we got back They induced labor the next am At 5:22pm Madison Marie Packer came into the world and stole all our hearts We feel so blessed Mom Stephanie is doing great and so is the baby 6lb 9oz 18inches long and she has her mommies head of hair. I just posted this little darlings picture in the family section of our Gallarty Love Karen


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congratulations great grandma:


I saw picture of cutie Madison, she looks so adorable maybe little bit like you eh?




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I think she is the perfectly adorable mix of Stephanie and Anthony (mommy and daddy and many have told us my Grandaugter looks like me. wink wink Madison is so perfect in every way. Karen

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Thanks Maria I was remembering they did not think Id live to see Kaylee Now I have lived to see even a great grand born. There are always blessings...Karen

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Thanks she sure is a little sweetie I plan to post a picture in the family Gallary of her and our grandaughter Kaylee together. Life is so good. Karen

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