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George's 3rd year anniversary 6//13/06



Good grief it has been almost a year since I wrote in this. I don't know if it is because I am too busy, haha or what. BUT I realized I didn't publish my last years' blog. This time last year my Mom had just died. It has been quite a year since then. I really miss her. My Dad is doing well, stays active all the time. I know he misses Mom and has had a couple meltdowns but all in all he is great.


Tomorrow will the the 3rd anniversary of George having his stroke. Our life has changed so much in the last 3 years but we are still here and still kicking. He has come a long way. He is still in a wheelchair and still cannot use his right arm but he is talking better most days when he is not tired. Luckily I am still working from home and taking care of him. I don't have the caregiver come anymore except on special occasions when I get to go out with my girlfriends for dinner or something. We actually have taken several trips in the last 3 yrs. We have flown back and forth to Florida, drove to Florida and have taken numberous trips to Chattanooga to see the grandkids. They moved the week of the stroke to Chattanooga and George and I have been here by ourselves. We have gotten our lives down to a pretty good routine. We have our set times for pills, insulin, baths etc etc. He is such a good natured fella and makes it easy taking care of him. I on the other hand have had kind of a rough year. I 'accidentally' took his pills one night a year ago last December which landed me in the emergency room because he had two blood pressure pills in his kit. I was walking around the house with his pills in my hand getting ready to give them to him, walked into my bedroom and there sat my bottled water and I just swallowed them like they were mine. Well a couple seconds later I panicked, called the 24 hr pharmacy and told them what I had done and what I needed to do. The result was I drove myself to the emergency room, called our caregiver and she came over to take care of George. My bp had gone down to 59 over something?? and they put me in a bed and put the head down and my feet up and put an iv in me for liquids so it would make my bp go up. I finally got to go home the next day at noon. I also had a bout with a virus or flu like symptoms which I had to get my sister to come take care of me and George for a few days. Luckily things have been good since then and I have been careful to watch the meds more carefully.


George and I are taking a vacation this Wed-following Wed and driving to Akron, Ohio. My Dad is there now visiting family and George and I are going up so we can see the family and have a mini reunion. It's been 40 years since I have been in Akron!!! George is so excited to take the trip. He just loves going out in the car for rides. We try to do that as often as possible since we are home so much with me working at home and taking care of him at home.


I have missed gettin on the caregiver chat room but I work from 12 noon to 8pm and when I get off work I have to feed George dinner and spend some time with him at the same time the chat is going on. I need to organize my time better so I can feed him earlier and go into chat.

Well, I hope I can start writing more and chatting more. I am grateful that George is still with me and doing well and thankful for God's blessings.



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Sounds like it's been one rough year for you, so here's hoping things are looking up in the years to come. Glad that George is making some improvements and getting out and traveling definitely helps. Looking forward to seeing you in caregiver chat again when you get the chance.




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Good to hear from you and the update. Glad to hear George is doing well and you guys are getting out on trips. That's great. You've got it pretty much down to a science - you go gal!! Well, except for taking the wrong pills. Brt you are most careful now so not to do a repeat. Enjoy your Akron reunion.

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Sounds like it's been one rough year for you, so here's hoping things are looking up in the years to come. Glad that George is making some improvements and getting out and traveling definitely helps. Looking forward to seeing you in caregiver chat again when you get the chance.




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Hi, good to hear from you. Thanks for replying. I have really missed caregiver chat and I will really try and get in on Tuesdays. Keep in touch and tell me how you are too.



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hey Wendie:


so happy to hear from you again. glad you both are doing well & also doing travelling. you are proving to my theory, there is still wonderful life post stroke.




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Wendie, we miss you too. I know that "where did the year go" feeling. Ray is over ten years past his major strokes, that was a long bumpy ride but we made it.


Like you I have family worries with Mum breaking her hip last Saturday, at her age they are unlikely to operate and today the orthopedic team do a full assessment on her. Not a lot I can do as it is out of my hands now. I just know she will need a lot of care to come out of this walking again.


Look forward to chatting to you again.



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So good to hear from you Sue!!! I will try and get on chat this week. I have really missed it. It has been 10 years for Ray!!! WOW. I hope you are doing well.



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hey Wendie:


so happy to hear from you again. glad you both are doing well & also doing travelling. you are proving to my theory, there is still wonderful life post stroke.




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Hi Asha,


Yes, there is still wonderful life after stroke, and there is hope. So good to hear from you. I look forward to coming back to chat.



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