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Wesley H.


Yesterday I went to the supermarket to pick up some items for dinner. While standing in the checkout line the gentleman standing behind me was apparently studying my tattoo. (remember my tatooo? If not, go back to my previous blog entry from April 22,2009 and you will see the photo.)


Anyhow, he finally let his curiosity get the the best of him and he asked,


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Hi Wes,


Bill had two strokes in 2004 that left him "looking" perfectly normal. Nobody could tell he could no longer read or write. Nobody could tell he had no vision from the center of his face to the right. Once when he bumped into a lady at the Farmer's Market I thought she was going to hit him. I apologized and told her he had had a stroke and had no vision on his right side. She instantly changed her demeanor. How sad I had to TELL someone my husband wasn't rude. No one could see the cognitive issues, the difficulty processing the spoken word well enough to respond to a question.


His stroke in 2005 changed all that. Now he walks with a quad cane, or rides in a wheelchair. Now I cut his meat for him or have it cut before being served if we are in a restaurant. Now he sits through meetings with his head down and his eyes closed. Now he has me order his food for him, or answer questions posed to him.


I know you aren't looking for sympathy. I know you are stating a fact. Recovery isn't easy for anyone.


May God bless you.




Ann Rogers

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That incident just goes to prove that no one can possibly know what anyone else is going through, physically, mentally, or emotionally. I am grateful that you've improved to the point that people can't tell from casual observation that there is anything wrong with you. I wish it was in my power to fix all the "little things" that are really such big things, but we all know that only time will tell how close you get to total recovery. I know you-- You'll never quit working towards that big goal. I admire your determination and the strength of your character.

As for that right hand thing... I'd be in serious trouble.. especially considering the fact that I'm 100% left handed!

Love you!!!


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Wes,First time reading your blog and yes I thank you for putting what date you wrote about your tattoo. Cool! :Clever: what a compliment to Steve Mallory.I love asking people with tattoos what their meaning behind their tattoo is. Most of the time it is personal and it's their interpretation.

As for the office xitches (I'll let you fill in the correct letter for the x) you have risen above them and their time will come. Karma prevails. :friends: From my experiences in the office huba the people are not your friend they are just acquaintances.Your story brings back memories of things like that happening to me back when I was working. remembertolaugh, jeanniebean

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Harriet just sent me a message telling me that you had posted a blog! I have been rather busy and hadn't checked in the last few days.

I am grateful for the progress you have made. I know that you will keep on doing everything you can do to continue on this road to recovery. I also know your sister is correct in that you don't have any way of knowing what is going on in the hearts or minds of another person. I wish it were within my power to make everything completely better for you and for those dealing with similar issues such as yours. I wish I had the capability of solving ALL the issues for my family and those I care about but none of us can do that. What we can do is to make the most of who we are and the abilities we do have. We all are fighting our battles of one kind or another, dealing with different struggles from day to day and with God's help we will make it. I actually was glad to see that you had written what you were feeling...that is really good and sometimes very necessary! Jeannniebean made a wise comment...remember to laugh ! By the way....Be glad you don't have to put a bra on with one hand!

Love you


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Glad to here your doing good. keep up the surviving game we all play.I too here it all the time u had a stroke no way. They just don't know how we fell.

Your Survivor Brother from Jersey, Taylor


PS Happy Fathers Day

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Good post Wesley - I know what you mean. It reminds me of the classic post "You Look Okay" from this site some time back. It tells it all. Nobody can feel the nerve pains inside our body or fatigue or the loss of memory or the fact that my emotional center is broke. I have improved SO much and am very very grateful, but,yes, things still bother me. I will not give up but sometimes I want to give in. Your vacation looked fabulous. We've gone to St. Lucia in caribbean since my stroke and the plane ride was just too long and hideous from Arizona...so no more. We are staying closer to home. Leah

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