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3 year Anniversary June 22, 2009



Still here and kicking three years post stroke. I'm finding it easier to do things so there is hope for all you just starting your stroke journey.


The first year was the toughest, hospital, all the meds, rehab, learning to walk again. Second, got my drivers licence back, things getting easier. Third just trying to live life as normal as possible.


Kath and I are still loosing weight, it's slowing abit but Kath has lost 30 lbs. so far, I have 5 lbs. left till goal weight.


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Stu, congratulations all round - for achieving a new normal, for your weight loss and for the information and support you give to others here. You are what my dad would have called " a good bloke".


I think being able to drive again is a big deal, it frees your partner from the chore of having to drive you to appointments etc. I know how that feels as Ray was never able get his licence back due to his lack of right/left co-ordination. He couldn't scan and would never have kept up with the traffic changes etc.


Keep up the exercise, keep your mind busy and keep on doing whatever is keeping you healthy.



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Hi Stu,

Congratulations on three years my friend. As well i want to tell you, to witness the hard work of others, such as yourself, the stick-tu-it-ive-ness you demonstrate, and the results that have come as a result, serves as an inspiration to others. . .myself included.


I am glad your are here friend.



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What a wonderful blog! It is not easy to lose weight and I am proud of both you and Kath. The hard work you are putting into it is showing in everything you do. Here's to many more anniversaries (and birthdays, too.)

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Stu, I continue with congratulations to you, it is a long road but with time we can all make it. I'm a bit ahead of you so I know the feeling for life after stroke.


My hope is when new members come here they all get the desire to live on with what they have left as you and I have done. I love to Inspire others!

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You'll never reconize me, want to get under 200 wants me 190 if possible. I will keep doing what we're doing and eventually get there. thanks.

btw...starting to get my girlish figure back ;)

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Congratulations to you Stu on reaching your 3 year mark and your milestones in recovery. Added congrats to you and Kath on your weight loss program. You will need a new name on site - "Stud" :)



You are proving there IS life after stroke - way to go and here's to many many more anniversaries and milestones :Cheers:


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Congratulations. 3 years post stoke. what obstacles you have overcome. Thank you for the posts and encouragement. We are still in the 1st year. YEs it is hard. Losing weight is hard. Good luck. Ruth

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congratulations on your 3 year anniversary & weight loss. I can attest as time goes on post stroke journey does become easier. wish you many more anniversaries & birthdays.




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Stu, congratulations all round - for achieving a new normal, for your weight loss and for the information and support you give to others here. You are what my dad would have called " a good bloke".


I think being able to drive again is a big deal, it frees your partner from the chore of having to drive you to appointments etc. I know how that feels as Ray was never able get his licence back due to his lack of right/left co-ordination. He couldn't scan and would never have kept up with the traffic changes etc.


Keep up the exercise, keep your mind busy and keep on doing whatever is keeping you healthy.



Congrats on your anniversary! :D As life is a celebration in itself, every day you can say - I made it tiday, is a blessing

June, from CT :)

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