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Dusting off the cob webs



Well it has been quite awhile since I have made an entry... for sometime my Blog would end up in cyber space...


This is into my 6th yr post stroke.. I almost forgot the date of it this year. I can say so far this is my best year so far. We have had a lot to go thru this past year. John's mom had lung cancer, went through chemo... and lost the fight . She passed away early March.. 4 of the 5 kids were with her as well as grandchildren, her sister and other family members. She had hospice at home and they are truly angels.


We have been trying to catch up on home chores... and John can focus more on his business now.


We have had one of the warmest, dryer Springs here in the Pacific NW than we have had in over 20 yrs. I have a garden window ..which faces south. I started vegetable and tomatoe seeds in the window.. John made a couple raised beds.. we eventually want to put in more raised ones.. so much easier than trying to get down on the ground.. and then back up.. (glad we don't have close neighbors to see me... LOL ) although it might make funniest home video's.


John made the comment several times... that since I have been gardening this year that my walking gait and balance seems to have improved. He notices I am not dragging my toe as much. Of course,, if I get tired the walk back to the house from the garden feels like a 5 mile hike....


Last weekend John made a flower bed by the driveway edge.... we got those interlocking cement blocks.. we got the medium sized ones... I decided to help hand him a block... I was going to get my gloves.. but thought oh i will hand him a couple and then go get them.... DUH first block slid and I tore the skin on the side of my finger... one of those little flap kind of tears.. OWIE.. and of course being on aspirin... so into the house to run cold water and to stop the bleeding.. John doesn't do blood well... but he was hollering from outside... are you OK? I came back out.. and he jokingly said you did that so you didn't have to hand them to me..LOL.. he said your job is Supervising the placement.. stand over there.... We bought 60 of the bricks and ended up 3 short... John picked up the rest on Monday. I am also doing a humminbird/butterfly garden. We had fun picking out plants.. and I found Spanish Lavender it is so pretty.. a dark purple with a cute flower on the top.. almost a cotton ball. Next Spring I am hoping to line the other side of the drive with regular lavender.


Most of you who know me.. know we have animals. We had to put our oldest to sleep this yr.. Tasha was a malmute mix.. We found her when we moved out here.. wandering the highway. We had her 12 yrs.. not really sure how old she was.. somewhere between 14 and 16 is my best guess.


Last Spring we adopted a 9 yr old kitty from the Humane Society. she is a calico.. from the moment we brought her home.. she fit right in.. The dogs did not frighten her.. our other cat.."Chompers" did not seem to mind much.. there have been a few soft hisses.. but no fights. I think Patches must have been an inside kitty before.. she has discovered outside now.. LOL it has been fun watching her. We are on 5 acres and the 2d property back off the main road. My kittys are in at night. and when I am home they go in and out to the yard as i leave the sliding glass door open when its warm. so we have 5 dogs, 2 cats and 2 goats.


The stroke that popped into our lives was not as severe as many.. I was left side paralyzed ... for a short time.. No I say I am left side clumsy.. I do get tired easier.. and I "try" to take breaks and pace myself.... I am also 6 yrs older than when this began. so I gues some slowing down is natural also. Learning never stops.. re-training our brains and learning to adapt how we do tasks. Is this acceptance.. Acceptance doesn't mean you give up... to me.. it is learning you may have some limitations... and to readjust to work with what you have and be creative to learn how to do things, and to laugh at yourself.








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hey Bonnie:


thanks for great update, it feels like I know you more now.is it because of your gardening this year is one of your best. I think gardening & blogging seems to b very therupetic to one's soul.




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Thanks Asha, Yes i think it is proabably gardening and getting out in the sun.. I was quite pleased and happy to see the little seeds I started sprout up thru the dirt... And there is nothing like seeing a butterfly, bee or humminbird land on a flower you have planted...:)


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There is nothing like gardening to make the soul feel happier/warmer. I have always loved it and actually my stroke has given me more time to enjoy it and also to add more to our garden. I am a perennial gardener and do very little with annuals today. We just add more each year to our perennial gardens. In the winter I spend time on the internet learning about more perennials and deciding what to add in the Spring.


I like your comment on acceptance. I'm there with you now that I am two years post stroke and accept that I have some limitations. I will not give up but I know I have to pace myself and when I need to rest, I need to stop.


I have actually found some positive things with stroke in that I now have time to enjoy life more; help out my daughters more; volunteer; and etc. There are good aspects of it


Enjoyed your blog.

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Hiya Bon,


You've been quite the busy beaver with all your landscaping work. Ain't it just like a guy to say you hurt your finger just so you didn't have to help lift the blocks LOL. You wouldn't do that ;)

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I now all about that block laying, brick laying etc. I've exhausted myself in days gone by fetching bricks so someone could just stand and set them down...lol.


Glad to hear you have a good summer this year and your garden is blessing you with growth, hope all your flowers bloom profusely for you and provide a wonderful habit for birds and butterflies.


You finally chased the spiders off the blog, must have been dark and dingy back there after all this time.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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It's been a while for me too Bonnie so I will follow your lead with 5 years recovering. And can you believe I'm gardening too with my little grand daughter?


I am glad yours is growing good, mine too. Take care of yourself and John too!

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Miss Bonnie,

You blog speaks tremendous wisdom as does usually what you say. Acceptance is....living life and enjoying it enough to be so busy spreading your sunshine that the day you stroked becomes nearly so insignificant you can't recall it.

Your flowers will bloom and flourish because you are the beautiful rays of sun in that garden, just as you are the warm sunshine and light of hope for so many here.

I'm so glad you see the beauty that sprouts up through the dirt from the seeds you plant. Everything and all you touch in your life so greatly from benefit from having you in our lives.

Thank you Bonnie for just being you. All of our lives have grown from the sunshine you provide.



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Great to see you blogging again fellow north westerner. Am enjoying the warmth down here too.



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Thank you all for your wonderful comments.

Fred when my grandson lived here on our property with his mom. We gardened, he helpd grandpa with the goats and gathering eggs.

They have moved 4 hours away from where we live, but I sent some tomato and green bean starts home.


Hi john good to see you..


and Maria.. your comment really touched my heart ..


Yes my Blog was quite dusty.. glad it didn't have mold..

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