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I met Sarah!



Sarah (Spacie) contacted me on Monday and said she was going to Rapid City and would stop in to see me. Scottsbluff is about equi-distance between Denver and Rapid City. We made arrangements to meet at a Sonic's where we could sit outside. Misti and I drove over and waited for her to arrive.


I kept looking for a motorhome and when none arrived, Misti called Sarah to find out where they were. Sarah said they were sitting at Sonic's having lunch. We looked around and, sure enough, they were right behind us. :Scratch-Head: We hadn't noticed anyone pushing a wheelchair. Sarah was driving their car.


Anyway, we had such a good visit-just a couple of old friends getting together. :blah_blah: Even though we had never met in person, we knew all about each other, thanks to this wonderful site. So even though I live out here in the middle of the country, I have made some really good friends with whom I have more in common than some of my "really good friends". Life is funny that way.


I am going to be busy the next couple of weeks with company. Our daughter, Sharon, and her husband and son will be here Saturday to spend a week and our granddaughter, Ashley, will be here the following week.


I hope all of you are enjoying your summer.




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That was great for the two of you to meet. I will try driving to Houston real soon to see Ruth and William there. It's such a thrill to "get out" then out of town too and meet is a thing I wish we all get the chance to do.

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Vi, it seems as if we are all getting together at last, only in twos and threes but that is enough. Maybe one day we will have a World Strokenet Convention Day and all 8000 members will be


We were delighted to met Babs (BabsZ) and her husband Eddie in Sydney and bring them up for a night of chat and catching up. It was special for us to have guests all the way from Oklahoma City and we really appreciated them making the effort to see us.


So if it's not too far to Sydney Australia, if you ever have the opportunity to come, we'll meet you there.



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So so glad you got to meet Sarah, Gary, and of course Pookie. Terrific pics of you all together. If ever I get out west again, we'll have to arrange a visit.

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that was a special day for you - how cool is that! We never know what God has in store for us. Glad you could meet up with Sarah and Gary - a big world made small :) leah

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