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Heckuva Rough Weekend



I had to pick Bob up from the airport at 1:30 am Friday night/Saturday morning. We got home and settled in around 2:30ish. I couldn't get to sleep and wasn't feeling great. So, I decided a bathroom trip might help for some reason around 3:30 or so.


Sitting on toilet, doubled over thinking 'I don't feel so good'. That was all the warning I got - I woke up on floor. Apparently I passed out while sitting on the freaking toilet - took a face plant into the wall/floor (not sure exactly what happened). Actually started dreaming and felt uncomfortable from having my neck wrenched. I started to move to get more comfortable not realizing where I was. Very confused why the bed was so hard and I had no pillow.


Realized I was on the floor. I tried to push myself up & my butt bumped against the toilet. It started to crystalize what happened but I just got up & went to bed.


DH comes to wake me up and sees a goose egg above my left eye and a huge scrape from just above my right eyebrow extending into my hairline. Oh, it's beautiful!


I am easy to pass out, so we don't think much about it. But, I'm too dizzy to get up before noon. Actually, before 1 pm. We justified it since I really didn't get to sleep until 4 am or so.


We go to eat & I'm feeling good, no problem at all. We leave & about 1/3 of the way across the parking lot, suddenly, I can't walk straight. I am listing to the left. DH has to help me walk to the vehicle. I felt no weakness, just felt like I'd been spinning in a circle and then trying to walk straight right after spinning, you know?


It freaks us out & we go to ER. I get a CT & a CT with contrast.


Good news: The carotid and vertebral arteries are widely patent without evidence of stenosis or dissection.




Weird news: Tiny left thyroid cysts or nodules suggesting minimal changes of goiter.


What? I have a goiter? Man alive.


In the end, the ER doctor said that the disturbed gait may have been from the head bump.


Anyway - all is well. I may have a little vertigo, but that is nothing new for me. I follow up with my regular doctor tomorrow morning. I have a slightly swollen forehead (I look very Cro-magnon) and a scrape that is healing well.


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Definitely a blessing you weren't hurt worse. Hope that does not happen again. Great that you are seeing your family doc as a follow up.

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I am glad that you are OK and are getting it checked out. You seem to be very calm about spills like that. That is good. You handled yourself well. Just becareful and watch yourself.


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I just wanted to thank you for journaling about the experimental physical therapy ...You did a fantastic job. I enjoyed the way that you kept us up to date. I am going to try to incorporate some of that therapy in my home based b PT for my husband, WIlliam. Thank you again for journaling so that we could all share in your great experience. You are really a trooper. I don't think that my husband has the energy to do what you did.

Forever grateful.


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Hey Sherri!


Sorry I missed this entry somehow but I see that you filled me in already - in person the other night!


Please keep us posted on what's going on with this goiter and this vasovagal syncope!

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