rolled in butter
I had a bit of a flu bug yesterday and slept a good part of the day away.... Dave was really good about it. About 3:30pm yesterday he looks at me, like only Dave can all pouty and cute, lol. And, says he would like to go and see his mum in town. Ughhh... I love his mom dearly she is such a sweetie... but, I'm still not feeling 100% I am dressed in flannel pj pants and an old sweat shirt... clean but old.. lol.. So, I tell him okay, but, I am not changing my clothes..
Off we go to his mums for about an hour... had a great visit and on the way home he decides he would like a taco salad from taco bell... so we pull in and go inside, dressed as I am... (a bit embarassing, but at least my clothes are clean) we get our food and eat, Dave eats his and mine, since I am still not quite up to par, espically for mexican food.... as we are getting ready to go DAve stands up and his tummy has bits all over it, so I am brushing it off and there is an elderly couple standing there watching me... the lady is disabled, she is having problems walking and her husband is helping her. THey are both smiling as they are watching me clean Dave up.... she looks at me and winks... saying "that's what wives are for"... and she giggles. All four of us start chatting and laughing as we go out the door, he helping his wife and I helping Dave. Her husband has a huge smile on his face, he is so in love and happy, he states as he helps her get into the car... "it all comes back to you rolled in butter" and he winks... I stopped for a minute and digested his statement and said it sure does and wouldn't trade a day for anything.
I thought about that couple (guess I still am) the rest of the evening.... even though I only had contact with them for maybe 10 minutes, they certainly left an impression on me.....
Hugs Anne
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