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1st week of ot/pt post botox



My OT and PT started this week following the first round of botox injections. I go twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays) for 2 hours (an hour for ot and an hour for pt)


For PT with my affected leg, right now we're working on strengthening mostly. On Monday this week, PT was conducted first. I was started off with the nustep machine - my goal was to use the nustep for 10 minutes (piece of cake :) - at the time LOL). Next, with a parallel bar for support, I would step up onto a wooden box with left foot first and step down leading with right. Then I had to balance on left leg while placing right up on wooden box. Both of these box exercises have a goal to NOT hold onto parallel bar - With the PT spotting me there were a few times I did not hold on (she wanted to prove to me that it's a mind over matter - my left leg is stable enough to do this. I lost track of how many sets of 10 I did of both of these exercises.


I was given a break to regroup myself then it was onto walking sideways along the entire length of the parallel bar. As my right leg is so used to functioning for both legs, if it could have talked it would have been yelling yippppppeeeeeeeeee. The left side started off rocky but did improve.


The next feat was the leg press using only my left leg. The PT did have to support my left knee as it wanted to flop over to the side. I was NOT to let the weights "bang" into place - oops that too improved but man did it smart. I feel that one especially today (Tuesday) in the old muscles.


PT finished off with walking round and round the room using a quad cane instead of the hemi-walker. Again, with the goal to prove to me that I don't need the hemi-walker - it's my security they are working at breaking me away from. We know how change affects survivors LOL.


OT was quite interesting. The OT was working to stretch my fingers. As it was quite cool in there (their ac works great) my left hand and fingers felt like popsicles. OT/Lynn used hot pads to warm up my hand and arm. She then placed the Bionness H200 on me. The remainder of my ot session was with the Bionness. With the unit, I was able to open and close my hand (of course it was stimulated to do it). After the Bionness was removed, I was able to hold onto and carry a small paper cup to the trash can. Now getting the fingers to release was interesting. When Lynn started teasing me that I just wanted to take the cup home with me, I laughed and the fingers released.


I return to therapy on Thursday. Today (Tuesday) though sore, I did do my pt exercises using my stairway here at home. I was even able to not hold onto the railing when I balanced on my left leg and placed the right on the step. I did have to put my right arm behind my back to keep it from automatically wanting to "help". With my left hand, I'm trying to hold on to small objects and release them. My child has absolutely NO SENSE OF HUMOR. I actually carried into the living room a cat toy in my left hand and released it and she thought I was being weird. I got told "leave the cat toys alone you're not a cat."


Part 2 of my first week of OT/PT


Today was a rougher day for PT as I think my PT (Kelly) is out for blood. When my physiatrist said intensive therapy, he was not joking. I had a jammed packed hour of pt today, building on what I started on Monday - with many extras thrown in for good measure. Wish I could afford a nustep for here at home that's for sure. Did another 10 minutes today to "warm" up. My steps per minute increased over Monday's speed too. Did the wooden box as well for a longer period of time. Walked laps using the quad cane. Today, Kelly started correcting me in my toe pointing when walking. Multitasking....heel strike first, toe pointing forward, don't lose my balance AND answer Kelly's questions :unsure: Used a new machine today too - to strengthen the left hip. Climbing up on the platform of the machine was higher than that first step on the transportation van but did it on my own (of course was spotted).


OT was with another gal as my therapist was at a training. Today my arm was stretched from shoulder to finger tips. No Bionness hand rehab today as Hilary is not trained to use it. Today, with Hilary, I picked up tennis balls and dropped them in a basket and a cylinder. Hilary also tested my grip of the left hand - during the eval it was 7 lb today it was 9 lb. I was set home with stretching exercises to do for the arm.


When I got in, my bottle of extra-strength tylenol was waiting for me.


Next week's sessions are scheduled and transportation arranged.


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I know these days have to be tiresome but in the same vein they have to be exciting. Releasing your hand had to be a thrill!


I truly believe that going back later for OT/PT really helps. You are eager to improve and know what needs to be done to make it happen.


Please keep us updated.

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Thank you for the blog. I know that this is exhausting work. But, it sounds like you are doing so well. Keep up the good. work.


I believe that you are a trooper!! Keep up the good work. I really do enjoy your blogs. I do like the details of therapy. I plan on using them on William. Thank you.


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yeah for you! rah! rah! rah! and another yeah! keep up the great work. i know it's hard (i am back doing pt for my good shoulder) it is tough but so worth it. glad to hear the botox is kicking in........think about making notes regarding when, how long you have results from the shots...the more specific you are the better the doctor can plan for your next botox series. i am so proud of you! hugs! kathy

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Terrific Donna, You can do it please just remember to breath when your concentrating

on your movements. Your hand released when you laughed.

In Appreciate * Gratitude , jeanniebean

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