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whew, what a year!



well here it is november already and i have met my grandaughter, riley. she is adorable. and sarah is pregnant. so there have been a lot of changes this past year. i kept seeing the psychiatrist and got my meds dosage raised and it seems to be under control finally. and my energy level is much improved. i actually complete several books this summer. my level of difficulty is much lower nowadays but at least i am reading. i would have sneered at some of these authors back in the day but i can't afford to be a snob any more. i am just glad i can read. we just had a shower for sarah and it was really nice. i had a tea party. we invited 40 people and almost 35 came. we had tables and chairs for every one and i set silver ware and china out for every one. i got to use all of my tea pots. i didnt' know i ahd so many. i made sugar cookies and cut out baby feet and iced themk, putting everyone's name on one and used them as palce cards. they turned out so cute. a lot of work, but i keep reminding myself that i almost wasn't here to ddo any of this. and busy is good," idleness is the devil's workshop" and i am living proof of that. so the weekend after the shower, i went to the mountaind with my circle friends from church. it was wonderful. the weather was gorgeous and the place was very nice. we even went horseback riding. it felt so good. i hadn't ridden in almost 30 yrs. but i knew i could still do it even in spite of having had a stroke. so i made myself do it. it was worth every penny. last weekend, sarah and josh had their 3Dultrasound and they met miss emmerson shaw henry. she is so cute. she has a tiny nose and long thin fingers.

while we were at the shore this summer, my mother in law had a set back. she began hallucinating and was sick to her stomach all week. it was a bad time with her. when we got home she just got worse. we finally put her in the hospital. she was in for a week and they diagnosed her with pulmonary fibrosis. after she was discharged, she just stayed in her room for several weeks. i was able to get a nurse and a physical therapist and a home companion to come 3x a week. she has given up.; she just complains all the time. everything is too much trouble for her. and i must admit i have little or no sympathy for her anymore. she brough this all onherself. she has nevre pushed herself to engage in the world. she holds her self back from everything and worries about everything. today we went to see her eye doctor, he wants to remove her cataracts. of course she expects the worst. so the worst will probably happen.

i am signing off now, because it has been a long day and i am tired. hopefully i will remember to return to my blog more often.











1 Comment

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hey cathy:


thanks for update. your happiness was shining through this blog. I agree idle mind is devil's workshop & you are right about your mother-in-law's negativity. It's law of attraction. think of bad things & that will happen





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