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Rolling right along.....



Each day I wake up wanting so bad to be able to do what I was before the latest stroke. Dont get me wrong, I am so grateful as well I should be. I am not quite as dead on the right side as I was. I thought Id try some juice without the thick'n and that was not really that great an idea. I am really glad that I have the scootie as even short distances are not managable without the walker and even that is too tiring. Even so with all of that it is the central pain issues that are getting to me. Our son and his wife should be back tonight from Las Vegas. Our grandaughter married her fiance out there on Easter Sunday. Of course we did not make it for that. I will be relieved when the at home therapy gets started so I really know where things are at and can work towards getting things back atl least where they were. Hugs to all Karen


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Karen, I am so sorry you are feeling down in the dumps. Maybe this was just time you need to allow yourself after this latest stroke. It has only been a couple of weeks and you know it will take some more time, or as Bonnie suggests - it's ok to sit on the Pity Pot. You know the exercises you need to do awaiting the therapist. Concentrate on them and of course, rest. Please do not mess with your thickener again. Remember your CPR-ABCs: Number one is AIRWAY which is directly attached and effected by your swallowing. You must allow this progression to take place under medical supervision. I know the stuff tastes horrid and becomes cement if you don't drink quick enough, but you do not need a bout of aspiration pneumonia at this time. This is critical. I am sorry about the Las Vegas trip and missing your granddaughter's wedding, but you need to be healthy and strong for that first Great Grandbaby. Allow yourself this time to heal. And enjoy your son and his wife's return and their pictures and memories that they will share with you. You have that to look forward to. Still practice with the walker daily-standing, balancing, taking one step and then sitting down is still better than not doing it at all. Please take care and let us know how things are going. Debbie

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Karen, thinking of you and praying you will recover what you had pre the second stroke. I know these days are not easy for you and that rest is very important. I am glad your son and daughter-in-law will soon be home. Please take care and keep us updated.

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hi karen, just to let you jknow that i am thinking of you and i am sorry to hear that you are feeling not that good, i would love to be of some help for you karen , and like you i use my scooter to get all over the place it is a landcruser by shope rider, it is a little large but i use it all the time and having the scooter and just makes me feel grateful to be here i do want you to be happy karen that you are still here even though you are struggling , that is what makes life interesting , and maybe when your son and daughter in law gets home you will feel better karen any way i hope so karen all the best to you my friend and please look after yourself , your friend lenny

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