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Mile 1 - Getting Started!



Well I am again on the weight loss train. dry.gif I think weight loss (or the lack of it) in my opinion can be compared to alcholism in a sense. Now I know that alcholism is a horrible disease; But in the same sense that alcoholics go on the "band wagon" and then "fall off", so do the obese. sad.gif


But I am more determined than ever to lose the weight and keep it off this time. biggrin.gif I am roughly 90lbs over weight. yikes.gif


I went to my family doctor a week ago today for my allergies and was told that I need to lose 30lbs minimum. wacko.gif


I told her I had already begun trying to lose. She asked me what I was doing to lose uhm.gif When I told her I was watching what I eat (not very well at the time but down to 1200 cal. a day now) and walking a mile in 30 min. 3 times a week she told me to up my walking to 5 times a week. waycon1.gif I told her that Lee was getting me an above ground swimming pool to exercise in this summer. She said that was good but to not put aside my walking for swimming. That walking along with my swimming would help more than just swimming alone. bigwink.gif


So with that said:


I am now up to walking my mile in 20 min. happydance.gif and this week my goal is to do it 5 times instead of just 3. unsure.gif I am really enjoying walking. It gives me time to myself and to think about my morning Bible study, what I need to do the rest of the day, etc... biggrin2.gif


And on my way home this morning I decided I'm ready to give bike riding a try. Pre-stroke I LOVED wub2.gif bike riding. But Post-stroke my balance has been off to the point that I have been scared to try bike riding again. Lately I have noticed that my balance is MUCH better and I think I'm ready to give it a try.


I remember when I lost weight the 1st time; I did so by getting more active. I was 17 and lost 35 lbs in 3 months by walking, swimming, bike riding, skating, etc...

I found that when I was more active I was less likely to over eat and my energy got a LOT better. So that is my game plan.


My goal is to be at least 30 lbs lighter by Nov. The ladies in my church and I are going to the Women of Faith Conference in Ok. City again this year and I want to be in better shape than last year this time around.


There are steep stairs at the Ford Center where the conference is. And although I have no problem going up them I have major problems coming down. I have alway's had a phobia of heights and since my stroke a phobia of falling has been added. NOT A GOOD COMBINATION wacko.gif


So I figure if I can drop some weight and practice going up and down stairs until I am comfortable with them I will be a lot better off. wink.gif


I'll keep ya'll updated! God Bless!!! cloud9.gif


Recommended Comments

Good Job at making the first step! I am on the weight lose wagon too.(since Oct.) I am almost to my 30pd. lose, but have 30 more to go. My mom is going to the Women of Faith conference too. She loves to go. I have never been, but I hear it is a wonderful experience! Keep us updated on your progress!


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hey tania!!!!!


getting started is ALWAYS the hard part. i TOTALLY understand wherE you are coming from. i have had every eating disorder in the books since i was 15 and now i'm 42. i have maintained "normal" weight for a while now, but i have been WAY fat, and DEATHLY thin. it is an addiction whether you are eating TOO much or TOO little.


every food or drink that goes in my mouth is mentally calculated for caLories, carb, and fat content. it is an ongoing battle. i don't know about your reasons, but i have learned that i use food as a way to "gain control" of myself which is a paradox because i am NOT in control, the FOOD is!!!!!!!! many times i feel like one of those gerbils on the little wheel.


it doesn't show on the outside anymore, but in my mind, i am still fat. the scale and common sense tells me i am not, but my mind, well that's another issue. it sounds like you are going about this in a very healthy way. i wish you the best, and i KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!


KIM pash.gif

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