March 22, 2009 2:30 am
Well here it is-March 22, 2011: Bruce's two year stroke anniversary.
I am trying to be as eloquent as our Sue, but this would still be in draft on anniversary number three.
Had a brief panic attack this morning just before work, but it helped going to work and having to focus on something other than this day, two years ago.
It amazes me the directions we have gone in over the past two years. That year one was a nightmare and while I have put most of it behind me, there are still experiences there that are worth sharing, if just to help someone new to this stroke life.
Our new year is starting off on a positive note, mostly due to my acceptance of what Bruce is choosing to be his road to recovery. He has been exposed to everything I could find, research, expose him to. From here, he will use what he feels is of best use to him and his recovery.
We are currently working on making him more independent here at home. We hope at some point to be able to cut down on caregivers' hours. Cognitively, he is back almost 100%. Still trouble finding words, but we use our strategies and I find he no longer quits and just says I don't know. He really is working through the difficulty. Funny, when Speech first discharged us, she and I spoke of his education and his conviction that the strategies would not work. All of us in Bruce's life continued to use the strategies as Speech advised. She was right. You can see Bruce running through the choices and backing into the solution.
We had a quiet dinner tonight. Bruce does not remember much of that time and certainly did not remember that today was the anniversary. But he and I talked about our future, how it makes us feel, where we see ourselves going.
More snow due this week. It won't last, just enough to mess up our routine. He did receive one "thinking of you" card from one of his best buddies and the person who stays with him most to spell me off. And a phone call from his boss and close friend asking how we were and specifically how I was today. I found that endearing. A reminder that we are important and special, and we thank God for our time together every day.
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