Its raining on my soul
So,I live in New Jersey now; we moved from Manhattan across the Hudson rive to NJ in March. I love it there imensely but its been raining here all week and today it started to rain on my spoul. I'm usually in a much brighter mood but today I cried most of the morning... It was one of those, can't wait to get to my office, close my door and kneel to pray so I can cry afterwards kinds of days.. Weirdest thing I had a great session in OT AND PT yesterday but I woke up as usul with a bum left leg and I lefthand n arm that I still cannot control and use functioally. I was fine when I walked out of my home and got in the car. Somewhere along the drive, and its a short drive, I just felt it coming for me, sadness! A-freking-gain...? Aren;t you sick of seeing me cryiing...? I sure am sick of cryinmg but II kno better than to try and hold it in So I cried and because other than a radio interview I did today I got to be alone in my office, I cried it the H up. I prayed and cried and knelt and sat and cried and I blogged and cried and I talked with a survivor friemd p mine who was worried because Im usually picking her up ... Well, not today. Today was for cryingm just like it's for raining it cnnot be stopped it will bring healing right...? eventually Worry not durvivors I still believe healing is coming for me I'm deeply spiritual and I fully believe Gd has a plan for me nd that plan requires me to take this stroke and help my future patiwnts but here's the kick Im in the best position to really help others dealing with this kind of brain injury but without my hand and arm back Im going to be jobless ome July1.. I only worry now about when it's coming for me. The when is everything now I know I havent had to wait as long as many people here but it has bee just over a year and no matter how you slice it a year is a long time. I'm amazed, awed and inspired by the surivors that have been fighting this fight to get themselves back for years... That these rsiliant urvivors still have joy amd still keep trying give m rl hopwe. If they can hang in there and keep trying of course I can too...Thank you for fortifying me survivors ) If I can give back one tent of what I receive I will be happy )NOw that I got that out. Know I am not going to give up, not for a day a week or a minute I'm never giving up opn my recovery. Well not until Im recovered :oP
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