fking's Blog

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Life of A Survivor

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My Wife Is Better Health Wise And Recovering Good....

I'm so happy to report my wife is better walking, sleeping, and being herself again.... God is good all the time!!!!! So all I can think of is take her to some place she loves and enjoys being there..... She even got up this morning and went to early morning Glory service at church driving herself in my car of course........   That place will be the Casino since they have already sent me an email for two free nights at the Hotel...... She was cleared by her doctor this week and all the gear s



Well It Is About Time We go to the Casino Again

As I sit here at home now and my wife has finished all her hospitalization and surgeries I feel it's time to go to the casino again..... It may have to be on the week ends since she is trying to also return to work at the bank while she is feeling much better..... She needs to be moving around and walking some to get her strength back...... We shall see what goes in the next few days......



Just Blogging Again!!!!!! Something We Can Still Do.......

It's been so long since I last blogged I have almost forgotten how or what to do in writing a blog..... Then again it appears the site has made a few changes too....... Well to start with I'm doing pretty good considering after suffering a big stroke years ago and I'm still around to be on Stroke Net posting.....   I really hope all of you I know are doing pretty good too as we all will try to do the best we can long as we can by the grace of God above.... I don't get on site like I once did s



Christmas Time Is Here And The New Year Right Behind

Well before we can all say Santa Claus Christmas will be upon us and a brand new year too, yea 2017 is ready to come on in our lives and homes.... The new car ideas will be running through our minds making us think do we want to get in big debt to have a brand new car or truck???? I guess it all depends on your income level and with that said I have to keep on driving my old 2003 Ford Explorer for a few more miles longer and it has over two hundred and nine thousand on it right now..... It runs



Christmas Is Just Around The Corner And Over The Hill

It's almost that time of the year again while many folks are still shopping for bargains where ever they can find them...... Yes Christmas is coming pretty fast and the weather hasn't changed very much in my neck of the woods..... Football games are being played while many folks have done their shopping for gifts and decorations for their homes, roof tops and yards..... It's an annual thing many folks look forward to doing each Christmas...... Of course the children like to help get the house r



Well I survived Thanksgiving Day

Life goes on and I got plenty rest the last few days now I'm ready to watch all the football games they can show on TV for the next few days..... I'm not going out shopping can't fight the big crowds and bargain hunters that will bust in the doors early as possible..... I guess that gets folks out the house but I stay home anyway so I am OK with that..... I just enjoy being home with the two little dogs as they keep me company all the time.....   Then the lady comes in at 9am to to fix me foo



This Is Going To Sound Crazy!

The more I think and feel I am normal the more I find out I am not!!!! My whole left side head to toes does not work normally..... As I have said I am paralyzed totally on left side!!! This morning my left thigh muscle will not work so walking with a cane is not happening today.... I have no more appointments to make for a week or two so that's good news.... At least the two little dogs are near me all day for company..... They know to go upstairs and use their pad to relieve themselves then com



How Many Years People Been Having Strokes????

I could probably look it up someplace but this way I will probably get more answers!!!!!!!!!   I am my parents 18th and last child and no one in the family ever suffered a stroke as they all had to work hard in the fields farming different crops each year to help our father make a living so all of us could eat and buy a few clothes to wear.... It was a bit different by the time I got to be school age so I was able to get a new bicycle and a BB gun that I had to work hard to get.....   I coul



Stroke, stroke it's been 12 years for me!!!!

Any of you ever get to that point in your life where you just get tired of being and feeling like you do since you had the stroke???? Well I have reached that point in my life after 12 years with this stroke....... Some of you may remember back in 2007 when I was a volunteer right here at Stroke Net for a year or so????? Well that seems like a long time ago now and I'm at that point in life where I just want to stay home and start reading books and see how much farther my body will heal from thi



Still Alive But Not In Therapy

They dropped me from therapy so I'm home daily but making all my appointments with my heart doctor and doing the very best I can on my own accord.... I exercise at home daily and doing pretty good I think after all it has been 12 years at this point in my life so I'm OK with life as I live it.... My left side is still paralyzed my walking is not good but I'm not complaining..... It's just the way life is and I'm alright with everything.....   I'm waiting to hit the Lottery or go back to work a



The Price Of A Nursing Home These Days

I was just reading the Sunday paper and noticed an article about the prices of nursing homes and places for seniors to live..... I couldn't afford a nursing home on what I get each month and I'm probably not alone so I will not show the prices they got in the article..... That is something for all seniors to think about that may have suffered a stroke like many of us here..... Especially if they don't own a home at this point in their lives......   I'm so glad I bought a home back years ago be



Another Week Started And It's OCTOBER Already!!!!

We all suffer all week long from our pains and I have made it to 75 years of age after surviving the stroke at age 62 back in 2004 which was a lot for me to experience at that time..... I knew nothing about strokes at that time and far as I know I am the only one in my family to ever have one...... My saying is a stroke is no joke and it can take you out this life..... Surviving a stroke takes a lot out of you daily and mostly makes you very tired.....   Initially you need so much help in lear



Nothing Much To Talk About In My Case!!!!!

I'm still kicking just not very high these days but I thank God I have not gotten any worse in my condition lately so I'm still healing and coming along with my progress of being a stroke survivor for the pass 12 years or so....... Man it just doesn't seem like I been on here since 2005 but I hope to be sitting out for a while before too long or I start to go downhill from here........   Surviving a stroke is the hardest thing I ever done and now at age 75 it takes more stamina to just get up



I'm Back Taking Therapy Twice A Week!

Well I have been here before you all where I drive myself to the facility spend an hour there trying to get all the help I can to walk better sooner and be able to use my left side some at least.... It's an up hill climb but if I can gain a little bit more in what I'm able to do for myself then I will be OK.....   I realize I'm now 75 and 12 years out from the day I suffered the stroke so perhaps not a lot more can be accomplished in my body and that's OK if I can still do what I'm able to do



Seems Like I been On Site Here For Many, Many Years!!!!!

I feel so, so old these days when I see the new members join us and most of them are doing pretty good where as I still feel I'm still recovering from the one stroke that got me here 12 years ago...... I start to think when will I be able to do things again as I once could do years ago since age is not on my side at 75 years old now.... I felt the same way after I got back from Vietnam and out of the hospital realizing my life was going to be a bit different and I would life a bit longer......



My Stroke & The Years Since That Noon Day

Well you all it's been to me 12 years since the stroke came calling my name and right today I'm glad to still be here healing as best I can by the grace of God and my lovely wife looking after me as best she has over all those years.... So now let me tell you in my opinion that a stroke is no joke as it can hit you hard and take away many of your functions you once had and could do by yourself with no help needed by anyone.....   It's hard on me with one side paralyzed and the use of only one



Blog Time Again It's Been 10 Days Already!!! I Need Physical Training And Hands On!!!!!

Well this will be a short blog today and I'm about ready to start going to Therapy where I can feel the benefits of using the different machines and having a person to work with me to improve my walking ability which has gone way down....... The lady I have now coming to my house have two little kids in school and she comes in and leaves early to help me for less than an hour.... I think I will get more using the machines at the facility with instructors and work every part of my body that way.



Rain, and more Rain

Well folks you probably already know the rain is still falling in many states and places which looks like everywhere to me.... I have been glued to the TV watching the places that are flooded and the number of people where their homes are under water, it is so sad to see but I realize God is in charge so I pray for folks everywhere every day and night....   I haven't been outside much on my scooter to look at my own area but for now the water is just on the curb sides and flowing pretty good n



School Will Be Starting This Month

Well that time is almost here in Texas where schools will be starting later this month and I think for my grand daughter it's on her birthday which is 17 August..... I think she will be bussed from her old school to her new school this year so at this time I don't know yet if I will be dropping her of at her old school to catch the bus to her new school or her mom will be taking her...   Her mom doesn't explain things very good to me and right now she doesn't seem to be working as she was bef



I think I'll go to the casino What The Heck?

I'm slow not to steady on my feet so I'm thinking if I get on my scooter and ride around the casino floors play a few of the machines I might get real lucky and hit one of them for a few quarters and take my mind off not being able to walk very good.....   My wife wants to go play some so I may as well follow her since she is off work this coming week while our daughter and grand daughter care for the two dogs... Before I know it school will have started back pretty soon so it is time to do so



Well I'm Still Just Getting Along Slowly

My condition hasn't changed very much from 12 years ago as I am still doing for myself and got a lady coming in 5 days a week for one hour to help me with my socks and shoes and caring for my feet which is very hard for me to reach and do myself.... that's a big help every morning.... My wife helps me with bathing or showering at night so the VA cut me down to one hour for help coming in home....   She helps me with the exercise bike too that helps with my paralyzed side which I can't use very



The Warriors Won Last Night

Well it's still a long way to go to see who will be national champions this year in Basketball but the Warriors was convincing to me it will be them instead of the Cavs and LaBron James.... The Warriors are on record setting play this year and I'm told they won it all last year so they could win it all again this year as well.....   We will just have to wait and see so thought I would write this blog to see if any other basketball fans agree......



Memorial Day For The Troops

Well, I said I wasn't going to try and write a Blog but I couldn't resist writing about Memorial Day as a disabled Veteran myself and can hardly walk even with my quad cane.... Today it was so many veterans out and about doing things with their families and kids.... My two kids are all full grown and got grown kids of their own and grand kids as well....   Being here at Fort Hood, Texas, a military post with thousands of active duty troops, two hospitals, and many, many retired veterans with s



Nothing Much To Discuss So Just Blogging About Life!!

I did my eye appointment at the VA and the doctor said to insure I use the drops mornings and at night to fight the glaucoma condition in my eyes or I could go blind..... So I know that has to be done this stroke is enough to deal with and I don't need nothing else to worry about..... I realize age brings about changes in every ones life so i have to think about that too and deal with it as best I know how....   I do feel I have come a long way as a survivor of a major stroke 12 years ago so I

