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Entries in this blog

Good Times

Carrah went to a friend's yesterday, so Wayne, Connor, Riley (the dog) and I bought tea and went down to the foreshore to eat it. The sun was setting, the breeze was beautiful and it was lovely spending time with Connor, one on one.   It's the simple things.   💚👑


GreenQueen in Life is good

Memory Lane is a bad place to visit

So one of my beautiful friends that I met at tap dancing, invited me to her daughter's dancing concert.   I decided to go, but was a little nervous about one dance in particular. My reaction to the dance was worrying me.   It was all the girls (6 of them, plus others I didn't know) I grew up dancing with.   They did this amazing tap dance to Pat Benetar's All Fired Up.   I had a few tears. In a different universe, I would have been up there, strutting my s


GreenQueen in Dancing


Western Australia is in what must be an enviable position, no lockdowns in regional areas except right at the beginning, March last year.   The city has had two, maybe three short lockdowns overall.   Anyway, Wayne and I decided to travel 8 hours away, to Yallingup in the state's beautiful south west.   We drove to Perth and spent a night there. Caught up with some friends.    Yallingup the next day.  The whole area is full of wineries. Neither Wayne or I


GreenQueen in Not quite 50!

Good Week / Bad Week

Why can't a good week just be a good week?   These up and downs play havoc with my emotional stability.  I comfort eat, don't drink enough, if any, water. Don't sleep well...drained physically and mentally.    Connor turned 17 last week. In Australia, you don't get your driver's licence until you are at least 17, and (in WA) done at least 50 hours on a learner's permit.   So on Connor's birthday he sat his test and passed. Happy boy.   We also enrolled him


Our beautiful staffy x kelpie, Lucy, has gone to heaven.  She was 13 1/2. Last week she was playing with the puppy and cried out in pain. We took her to the vet, who felt Lucy had broken her leg.  Lucy was sedated for X-ray and bone cancer was discovered.  Because they didn't want her to wake up to the pain of a broken leg, we had to say goodbye to her while she was sedated. The kids don't remember not having Lucy. She was a sweet girl, who was always there for


GreenQueen in Sad news...again

Wayne is 50

My amazing husband is now 50!   My next blog entry will tell you more about the market day.   Back to Wayne.   We went out for tea to our favourite pub with my parents and Wayne's mum and our kids. It was a really good night.   A few days later, we went to Perth for four days.  We did a few things, like shopping and appointments.  We also caught up with our Perth friends for Wayne's birthday.  There were 14 of us for lunch. It was really great, except walk


GreenQueen in 50

The Rona is Here

So there's a ship in port which has the Rona.    The occupants are not allowed off the ship, but I'm guessing the really sick ones who need hospitalisation will be a different story.   Normally I wouldn't be concerned. The WA government is doing a great job containing it.   My biggest worry about it, is that Wayne works at the port!!   The ship is not berthed at the berth he works at, but it's still a worry.   The photo is of some of town. The ho


GreenQueen in Nervous

What goes around comes around

There's an awesome group of people in town who started an amazing charity. It's all local stuff.  All money they make at the events they have (from donations by locals) stays local.    When I first became disabled, they were awesome to us.   Due to covid19, they are unable to hold the big annual  gala event,  but they have asked for donations for an online auction.    You know I like to make cards?   I decided to make cards and calendars for them. Twelve s


GreenQueen in Nervous


Connor has a parrot, native to Western Australia. Bobby, a red breasted Scarlett Parrot.   Tuesday we noticed Bobby wasn't well so took him to the vet.  Birds are known to hide their illness and only show symptoms when it's too late.  That happened.  The vet gave us medication for 10 days, not to fix him but to make him comfortable.   Poor baby, he died tonight.    Connor was, and still is, inconsolable.    All I want to do is say the right thing, do the r


GreenQueen in Sad

Road Trip

My beautiful friend Jennelle is 50. Carrah and I are off to Pinjarra to spend the weekend with Jennelle and her three daughters.   


GreenQueen in 50

Feeling Loved

Yesterday I took Riley for a ride on Henry.  This morning Wayne was doing stuff in the shed, and had the dogs out the front. I had a doctor's appointment.  As I went up the driveway on Henry, Riley followed me. Wayne picked her up so I could leave. When I got almost to George rd (100 metres from home), my phone rang. I answered it on my watch; it was Wayne. I said to him: it's ok, she's here. Exactly as I answered, Riley jumped up onto Henry.  Apparently as soon as her put her back on th




Tomorrow is four months since my beloved cousin Jason died. Seems like a lifetime.  On Sunday, a lady I've known my whole life died after a very quick battle with ovarian cancer.  Last week I had a mammogram and a half (had to do one side twice) and two ultrasounds. I have a lump in my neck and one in my boob. As my mum is a breast cancer survivor , I always worry about things like that. I kept thinking that God has already given me more than I can handle. He wouldn't be that



My Cousin Jason

Not sure if you remember me letting you know about my cousin Jason, who had cancer?   He died. Very sad. He was only 51.   Wayne and I were very humbled to be invited to the funeral.  Only 10 people allowed at the moment, and JD thought enough of us to include us on his list.   It was a lovely funeral.  His wife Robyn and sister Kerry did a great job organising it in such trying circumstances.    I'll miss Jason so much, but glad he's no longer suffering. 



My Ivy

I have had the worst week EVER.   My precious Ivy is sick.  She started walking all wonky like she'd had a stroke.   At first we thought her back was broken.  Totally devo'd.    Took her to the vet the next day to discover she has a parasite that's affected her brain.    My little kindred spirit.    I decided to send her to heaven, but wanted a few days with her first.   Kind of a mistake.   Kind of.  After many many many tears, I decid



Memory Lane

I usually don't like to reminisce. I'm sure you know what I mean, reminiscing is a constant reminder of what we could do. Although... At the moment, I'm having Carrah scan old photos into my phone, then I'm making digital scrapbooking layouts.  My current lot of photos is me and my main bestie when we lived in England during the mid 90s. I've been texting Jennelle some photos and we've been having a great laugh. Maybe remembering old times is good for the soul. After all



Card Making

Since becoming disabled, I have had to alter my interests. I love to read, but can no longer hold a book open and turn pages. Well, I guess I could have the book on a flat surface and use my head to hold the book so I could turn the page, but you lose fluency. So now I read on my iPad.  I used to tap dance and play badminton.    My interest now, has been for about 4 years, is card making. I have this you beaut machine that trims paper. I'm also very selective about which




I've been to counselling about other...issues...besides all This.   It was really useful.  I've been to this lady before, when Carrah was a baby.   Even though it's been years since I have seen her professionally, we still had that connection.   It was really nice not having to tell old stories for Kathy to make sense of new stories.    We all cope differently, but it is something I would recommend giving a go.




Excited much!!   We have rain!!   Everything has been so dry here.  We've had catastrophic fire warnings, but no fires to speak of.   The rain is such a welcome event. I hope it sticks around.



Morning Tea

My church, whilst not old, needs a new roof. So, me and two of my friends are determined to raise money to help pay for the roof. Last year we raised $450 selling handmade Christmas cards.   This year, so far, we've decided to hold a morning tea in the church hall.   We are going to have raffles, a small craft stall and some entertainment.    I'm so excited! I love all the behind the scenes stuff. Who am I kidding?? I love all the stuff.  I'll probably be



After Everyone

I kept thinking,  after I've done ____ for ____ I'll get back to the site. But along comes the next Fill In The Blanks. Is it wrong to put myself first? Is it? It feels wrong. But good wrong. Like, I just got a puppy wrong. Her name is Riley, she's 12 weeks old and we got her from the dog shelter.  I love her so much. We didn't need another pet, she's #7, but hey. What are you going to do? She snuggles in, licks my hand, and looks at me with unconditional love. She's all

