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Happy New Year



Considering that Bill was released out of the Hospital to begin a new phase of Pallitive Care only.....it was a bittersweet Chrismas. We are sure or at least relative sure this will be our last Christmas...Christmas eve it looked like maybe that would not be but we got better control on the pain and we had a nice Christmas at our Grandaugters....Now we are looking to ring in the New Year much the same way We sleep as we can . I average 2 hours a night most nights if that The cancer has spread and the tumors are now larger than the Pancrease itself. All chemo failed even an experimental one. Each day we find blessings and joy and some peace despite that other guys best efforts to destroy. God is so Good and each day is a blessing. I gave up long ago listening to the predictions of what kind of time we may have remaining. Time is irrelevant except to enjoy what remains. Bill is doing his best and I am going the very best I can to take care of him. We have applied to get into assisted living. That would make it so much better for us. Bill is on substantial medication to keep him as comfortable as possible. We confirmed it was cancer one year ago today. they thought then 6 months tops No one can explain how it is he is still here. Thats easy prayer. I dont know when we only know he has really amazed the doctors Ill take it!!! Happy New Year to you all I dont know what the New Year will bring most likely more of a series of lasts. We are simply grateful for each day. Karen


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I was so happy to see your blog & so happy to hear Bill is doing good considering what he has been through. I am so happy that you are enjoying your time with him. you got great attitude & amazing strength.


happy new year to both of you



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Karen: thank you so much for blogging. I think and pray for you and Bill every day. So pleased the pain is under control and you can enjoy the days you have together and with family. As hard as stroke was honey, this is the hardest challenge you will ever face.


I admire your wonderful outlook and love of every day. So happy you were able to enjoy a wonderful Christmas with the family and you will have a great New Year's.


Try to rest as best you can-I know, you are sick of hearing that, but do it anyway-lol. Step away for a bit; cup of tea outside, a short walk, chat with a friend. And know we are here if you need. You are a true inspiration. Debbie

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I am so glad that you blogged. I am so happy to hear that you and Bill are still going at it.


Take care of yourself. you are right...nobody can predict the future.


Try to get some rest/ I am so happy to hear that you and Bill are blessed to enjoy another day together.



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Karen, you and Bill are on my prayer list too. Never think you are alone as we are there with you in spirit. You are both precious to us.


I know "Happy New Year" seems a misnomer, at least I for one had a good cry this morning as I thought of years gone by. But we must all look to the future, as you say, one day at a time.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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karen, i am so thankful and happy that you both had time together for the holidays. i think and pray for you both daily. assisted living sounds like a good idea for you both. i hope that works out for you. i worry about you, but you have proven what a strong and determined woman you are through all of this. bill is in good hands with god and you at this side. i hope you have a better new year. each day is a blessing as you said. i wish you were able to get more sleep for your own health. lots of hugs and love to you in your battles. we are here to listen and support you.



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