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Sunday January 15, 2012



Well, members I am posting this subject date because to and for me it's a historical date in many ways. First, should I live to see it I will have survived 8 years and one day. That's more years than I once did not know I would still be here with my wife and family. Secondly, The 15th is Sunday, so my plans are being in my church testifying how good God is and has been to me! Last but not lease, celebrating my extended life on this earth and finding such a fantastic group of stroke supporters in ALL of you right here at Stroke Net. My thanks to our CEO and Founder Steve Mallory for having a keen insight to develop such a Web Site that has gathered members from around the world since early 2003!


I hope any of you I may have offended in any way can forgive me. It was certainly not my intentions. I will always cherish my beautiful trophy from Stroke Net for being the Welcome Letter Committee host as a volunteer. I certainly enjoyed that time to communicate with the new members coming on board doing my years in that position! Now I can sit back and enjoy all the volunteers who help to carry this organization into the next phase of operations.


Overcoming a stroke or even several strokes take courage and determination. Something I just didn't have in my first year as a survivor! I soon really learned to be a man of faith and trust God! It seems I'm so much stronger by having faith in Him. I even held a job at Walmart as a People greeter using my scooter for three years. I went to work trying to replace some of the household income my wife lost by quitting her job to stay home and care for me! I was in no shape to care for myself at that time.


As I read the introductions of new members now I see the same doubtfulness in them as I had in myself early on. It's natural to be in doubt of the outcome of your condition or of a loved one you are providing their care. A stroke is one thing many of us never even heard about. I knew nothing about the warning signs and thought I was in great health. Now I know your health, age or Race has nothing to do with having a stroke. It can and does happen to more young people nowadays. I have always had high blood pressure which is one of several things we must control. Many people have it and don't know they have it. It's called the silent killer for that reason!


I mentioned earlier here I'm so glad I have God in my life. I walk by faith not by sight! Each day we get older and closer to our own home-going to be with the Lord. I'm a prayer warrior and I know prayers work with God. Jesus prayed all the time to his Father and I KNOW prayer works. We have some medically sick survivors in hospitals, nursing homes and their own homes that we should pray for each day as members. Then we have our care givers like Sue and all of you struggling to keep your survivor recovering and getting back to healthy living.


Then there are our survivors who has been surviving for twice as many years as I have that are still here at stroke net while others have recovered and moved on doing what they desire with their lives. One day I hope to be like them! On the other hand I'm not selling my wheel chair nor my bath bench because we never know if we will encounter another stroke or not. We can only pray another one never comes to us.


Happy recovery to all of you survivors, take your meds get therapy, use your affected side hand and arm, leg and all your body parts. Oh for you men and wives at some point in recovery try to enjoy each other intimately as often as possible, OK? It worked for me and I'm 70 years young! In fact the VA just moved me up to Viagra 100mg tabs but to split them in half for now. So see your doctors and live your lives fully where possible.


Tomorrow I can say I'm starting on my ninth year of recovery 15 January 2012! Hooray! :roflmao: :big_grin: :happydance: :Clap-Hands:



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Congratulations. Fred. You are an inspiration. Take care and have a wonderful time in church tomorrow.


Happy stroke anniverary.



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happy Anniversary fred, we both are very close in celebrating our 8 year anniversary. I will be celebrating on Feb 8 2004 my 8th anniversary. Without faith & my hubby, this journey would have been impossible. have a great time in church tomorrow.



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HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! Cayden will be celebrating his 5th year anniversary in Feb. I cant really say for sure when exactly he had his stroke but the docs think it was about the 10th of February because he was born on the 17th and he already had had his stroke.....They are assuming the day I quit feeling him move was the day he had it.



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Fred, Happy Anniversary and Happy New Year. You are an inspiration to us all. Keep up the good work for yourself and for us here on StrokeNet. :You-Rock:



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Congratulations Fred - 8 years in recovery and still going strong. Yes, I too kept a lot of early equipment and we did use it again when Ray had further strokes.


Fred, you do inspire others and that gives your life a great purpose.



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Thanks to each one of you on my anniversary of 8 years so far. That sure does seem like a long, long time! I appreciate each of you with open arms. If I can do anything for any of you send me a message I will get back to you!

Fred! Again, thank you, thank you all!

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