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50 more things...




  1. I started singing in church at 3 years old. I sang in front of two thousand people at age 16, last minute stand in for the minister's wife who was rushed to the hospital.
  2. I had two days to learn the songs for the performance. The minister's wife played the bass too and I was asked to stand in for that too. Thankfully, musically I had an amazing memory and talent for picking things up naturally. They thought I played bass because I played guitar--I didn't play bass but by the time we performed I did. They never knew until it was all over that I had never played a bass before.
  3. I don't like platitudes nor pretentiousness.
  4. I love everything to do with people. It makes others think I'm an extrovert but psychological testing and experience say I'm an introvert.
  5. I have had nearly every psychological test known to man and contrary to popular belief I'm not suffering from insanity---I'm enjoying every minute of it!
  6. I play nine instruments---only three of them well.
  7. Along with catering, part of my job was decorating wedding and occasion cakes--can I take a minute to say if I never see Barney and Baby Bop again, it'll be too soon!
  8. I have two brothers, one step brother and one step sister. I'm the oldest of the five...I'm the smartest, nicest and best looking too. But if you ask them they'll tell you I'm dreaming!
  9. I'm not proud of this but I'm very defiant. Telling me "never" only sets me off, but on a good note I've done several things people said I'd never do.
  10. I am small. My grandfather used to point out that "so is a stick of dynamite"
  11. Post stroke I've lost a lot of that power. Some people who know me say that's not totally a bad thing. What do they know!?
  12. I'm a lot more tender hearted than I let on. I think it's a protective behavior. I also think the only person I fool is myself.
  13. My favorite color is purple.
  14. My favorite flower is New Guinea Impatiens.
  15. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.
  16. I had a bad reaction to a med once and was delirious and told the ER staff that my parents were not my parents--that my mother was 92 years old and wore beads like Barbara Bush and my father had feathers! From what I was told, I was quite entertaining. I don't remember a single thing.
  17. I'm not a girlie girl. Instead of diamonds and lace, I'm more denim and pearls--like mom and Barbara Bush!
  18. I don't know why but old people love me. It's kinda creepy and no one believes me until they see it themselves. I went to an auction once with Dad and he had to pull my arm away from an old lady so we could close the car door. She was trying to convince me to have dinner with her at her home. I had never laid eyes on her before that day.
  19. I don't like to read. It's merely a means to an end. I like to learn new things and I have to read to do it. Period.
  20. I dislike T.V. even more.
  21. I was raised by a preacher and his wife.
  22. They turned my life around. I'm glad they can't see me now.
  23. I used to be a federal police officer.
  24. Shortly after becoming one I came to Dad's house in uniform. When a walked in the door he looked at me and shook his head and said "All of that attitude and they gave you a gun to back it up?!"
  25. My favorite song is "The Prayer"
  26. When you Believe is right up there too.
  27. One of my happiest times was when I did something for someone else. A friend was losing her hearing quickly and as Christmas was coming up I found her crying in her kitchen one day. "Oh Holy Night" was playing on the radio and she told me it was her favorite song and that was the last year she would be able to hear it. She was telling me that she would soon not hear her husband's voice--they were only married a few years earlier. The owner of the restaurant where I worked was another friend of mine so I paid to have the restaurant privately for one night. Made a scroll invitation and had a man on a horse drawn carriage go read them the invitation. I lined the entrance of the restaurant with Poinsettias, took all the tables from the dining room but one in the center of the room. Made an amazing dinner for two, had them taken by horse drawn carriage around town to see the Christmas lights, and when they returned they were greeted by Santa who gave each of them a gift. Her hearing is gone now but she still remembers a magical night with her hubby while they swayed to Oh Holy Night.
  28. After almost 50 year it shouldn't be this hard to think of one hundred things.
  29. One thing about stroke...a lot of things I thought I knew I'm learning again.
  30. Okay, two things about sucks!
  31. I'm the second person in my family to graduate...ever. My father was the first.
  32. For two weeks my name was Kimberly Blair. Just before the three week cut-off to change an infant's name on a birth certificate my father changed it to Jamie Patricia...after him, James Patrick. Think that will fool people into thinking I'm his son?
  33. I am tired of every conversation being about stroke or health matters and I hate the looks of pity I get when I say I had a stroke, so now when they ask about my limp I tell them that's the foot that Is usually in my mouth and its a little stiff. They figure I'm ok if I'm joking about it and I don't have to deal with their pity. Win-Win.
  34. I have one daughter--she is 26.
  35. I won first prize in a tri-state karaoke contest.
  36. At a gathering, I'm usually the conversation starter but once the conversation takes off, I would rather listen.
  37. I was a tomboy.
  38. My aunt said she was going to turn me into a girl if it killed us both... I think it almost did.
  39. I never hung out with other kids. I was a loner.
  40. To a lesser degree I still am.
  41. Coffee is the elixir of the Gods. I tried to get the nurse to hang a coffee bag on my I.V. but she was no fun.
  42. I love being out in nature.
  43. My great grandmother was medicine woman for her native american tribe. She was going to teach me but she passed away and my life went other directions.
  44. I spent 15 years as a cook in a seafood restaurant and I hate seafood. Thankfully no one complained.
  45. My crab cakes, cream of crab soup, chili and vegetable crab soup won the Maryland Sun-fest cooking competition four years in a row.
  46. I love peaches.
  47. I believe in divine intervention.
  48. I believe it was divine intervention that brought me to StrokeNet.
  49. I'm not scared by much which is a good thing because fear turns me into an idiot. (no wise cracks!) lol
  50. I was told by doctors I couldn't become pregnant and then was told by a minister I would become pregnant and would have a girl. I named her Canaan because it means God's Promise.




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Jamie :


wow thanks for sharing your 50 things about you, I was cracking up on mot of them, you got great sense of humor & now I feel I know you better you have led some interesting life.



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I feel the same as Asha. You're a good writer to put things down on paper or rather on Strokenet. And to know yourself like you do.



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thank you all. It's hard to come up with a hundred things or even 50 but it is fun and does help others know you better.

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I missed a game? If I knew there were going to be games; I'da checked in more often. My attention span is..oh look a bird!


But seriously, that was very enjoyable to read,Jamie. As always, it strikes me about our similarities.

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Jamie, loved are a tale.nted lady and make a lot of people happy, I'm sure. I enjoy reading about people, real prople...but like yoou, I really don't read much...but this I like. You need to write a book!!!

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