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good stuff happening

Rose Smith


Things are changing for me and I want to share them with my fellow survivors and their families. I am almost 6 years post-stroke. I have left side hemiparesis. Lately, I've been exercising more(walking and exercise bike),stretching out my arm and hand more regularly, and getting better sleep. Also, I am FINALLY on a cocktail of antidepressants that seems to be working for me. Recently I have been able to use my left arm and hand more (for assisting the right hand; I'm right handed) and I am able to relax Mr Lefty (as I affectionately refer to my left hand) more and am able to attempt and sometimes succeed at doing things with my left hand that my PTs and OTs used to urge me to do but I just couldn't seem to do it, and gave up trying after a while. Anyway, I wanted to encourage folks that this recovery thing is a LONG term process and to never give up hope...I certainly had.


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Thanks for sharing the good and encouraging news. Here's hoping your recovery continues at a steady pace. Best wishes.

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Hey Rose, wow that is a long time between blogs so welcome back! Yes, recovery can be very long process and with some modern thinking on physiotherapy and new medications even after a long time there can be changes.  Some of the people at the Stroke Recovery group Ray and I attended had had strokes as long as 20 years ago and still found something that helped to make small improvements to their lives.  So never give up hope. Welcome back, hope to see you continue to blog. 



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Yes, Rose welcome back and thank you so much for sharing the good news. All of us here know how very difficult this has been for you and the constant exercise. Great news. Debbie

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