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Well Gang, I'm Not Doing Good Physically!



Most of you may remember my last blog about going to Vegas well this may be my last blog for quite some time...See I now must get operated on my right knee I think on the 12th next Friday. I hurt my knee trying to ride the shuttle busses. My right knee has separated at the joint and has to be rejoined with surgery!! I will be out of commission for many months after they sew my knee up to heal then learn to walk without help as I am walking with help only not on my own or even with a cane. I have to be held up to make a step but no steps on my own!!


I AM VERY HURT AND IT WILL BE A LONG TIME BEFORE I CAN WALK AGAIN... I'm IN BED can't even go to the bathroom by myself so it's a hard life right now but I thought I would let all of you know what happened to me!!


Pray for my recovery and with God's blessings I will be up again one day in the future!!!!!


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Fred, so sorry.  I was wondering where you were.  I wish you a good recovery from your surgery.  You are a trouper and can get through this.  


Prayers and hugs.




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Oh Fred, I am so sorry. You will blast right through this, that I know. Please try to keep us updated best you can and you know thoughts and prayers, always. Debbie

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Fred, so sorry you have had this set-back, I will always pray for you and your needs, And you know we will be waiting here when you are able to get back to us.  (((hugs)))  Sue.

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Oh no, what a horrible thing for you to deal with.   I will be praying for you to heal quickly and for your spirit also, so you don't get down and that will drag down your recovery.    We are all rooting for you, Fred!

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Sorry to hear about your set-back. I will be praying for you and your family. I will be looking forward to receiving an update on your progress.God Bless! Linda

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I hope the surgery goes well and you are up and about again soon.   I probably should have warned you before you went to Vegas, that it is not all that user friendly for disabled persons.   Even if you had taken a power wheelchair to get around, you would have fought crowds everywhere.   Rest up, recuperate, and no more Vegas trips for you, Buddy!    lol



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So sorry to hear this Fred.  Prayers for a speedy recovery. You can't keep a good man down, so I am sure you will on your way to quick recovery after the surgery.

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Fred :


I am so sorry to hear about this new hurdle in your life, but I know you got that inner strength to get through this hurdle too. will be praying for strength for you & your family. hope to see you soon, keep us updated.



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fred,   be brave.  LOL  I know you will sail right through this.  my sister is having knee replacement surgery next month.  I guess aging affects your knee's more than I thought. I will say some prayers for you.      good luck   be prepared for a lot of therapy and getting out of bed the day after the surgery.    keep us updated as you can.



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Fred, I sure hope things go well with the surgery and I know you will be up and about soon. You are too stubborn to let this hold you back!!! Hugs and prayers to you!!!!

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Fred, wonfer where are you, then I have not been here to busy with my daughter and Grandkids.  


Wishing all the best for the knee surgery, my prayers and lots of hugs are on they way.


God bless



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