fking's Blog

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Trying To Find My Way Around The Site!



Well you all that know or remember me, I'm Fred King, and I just want to log in and tell you all that My operation went well and I'm into therapy both OT and regular PT with two different guys. I'm trying to learn to stand up and walk again which is the hardest thing I tried to do lately.


My knee is healed up from the cut they had to make to tie the tendons back to my controlling muscles to make my foot work. I got to learn how to use that right leg more each day so I can drive again. That's a must to push the gas pedal and the brake pedal down. I'm getting there slowly. Know I know what those football players go through when they tear the ACL in their knees and at my age it is tough to overcome that kind of injury for sure.


Thanks for your prayers and thinking of me letting me know I'm still in the strokenet family. I really missed being on board and posting like I used to do daily. Life has many twists and turns for any of us so I hope I can make a comeback soon in my physical being and get better in time. That is my biggest concern and I know there must be many more new members now than it was just a few months ago.


We all know strokes can happen any time to anyone and we need a place to come and learn more about them from others and to exchange ideas on therapies and what we know about strokes and having to live with them as best we can. I probably can't post very much for now because I go downstairs early each morning to wait for the lady who helps me clean up, shave and get my shoes on my feet. Then the noon hour the therapy guys start to show up and I'm busy trying to learn to walk and move my feet again without falling.


This has been a real lesson for me in trying to recover with what I got left. My legs are very weak and standing up from sitting is a real task. My wife is still working but does what she can for me as she has time to do. I know I have missed a lot by not being here but I will try to read much as I can in time ahead.


So hello to all of you new members and I hope to read some of your post as time goes by. Thanks again for your many prayers and thoughts along the way for those of you that knew me so well. I just got to learn the site all over again I'm sure!!


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Fred: thank you so much for checking in. Wonderful that recovery is going well, however slowly but as always, my money is on you. Keep up the good work and please do let us know how things are progressing. Prayers! Debbie

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Fred, you sure have been through a lot. But you're doing the right things with your time--the therapies are so important. You have said that over and over and now it's the thing you need for you! Your motivation will go a long way toward recovery, as you know very well. Keep up the good work. We are routing for you! ~~Donna

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Fred :


thank you so much for updating all of us with your recovery progress. my money is on you for good recovery. I am glad you are getting your therapy & recovering well.  you set good example for all members on this site newbies & oldies alike



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Fred, good news on your continued recovery.  I know you will try as hard as you can to get yourself back in good condition.  All of us on this board are rooting for you.



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It's about time I get back to my blog and thank all of you for your reply. I'm trying to get back on my feet in a good mind set but today was one of those days I couldn't get on my feet but my wife has already come back home to check on me and the little dog Princess.  I'm in the process of trying to get outside again and do a little driving and going places again. It will take a while! I can do it!

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