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Los Angeles



This was the first vacation that I have taken in 6 years. Since William had his stroke. I took off Monday morning and came back Wed niight. It was short and it was exciting. My advice is do not travel Spriirt airlines. They were 2 hours late and mine should have been at 6AM. I was at our international airport for 5 1/2 hours. I had to check in on line. Well. little did I know. I had a purse and a backpack. So I checked one carry on and Then I chose my seat. Well I really did not have to do either one of those. That cost me. You can leave those blank and get a sear assinged. My purse would have fit into the back pack. This is one of the barebones airlines. These extra costs made it the same as the regular airlines.


I did have a very busy itinerary in LA. Very little sleep. I made rounds with my son at the hospital every morning at 5AM since I was up. THEN OUT to breakfast and meeting friends and seeing the sights. We even wen on a 5 mile hike on the beach, It was a good thing that I am in shape and then dinner with friends every evening. They all wondered why I was only staying for 3 days. Fortunately the caretaker did a great job. She misplaced his phone so that He would not phone me continuously. It was fun. But with the 5-1.2 wait at the airport. I was glad that William did not go. That would have been painful.



It was fun. I came home and continued by vacation by taking William to the theater to see SanAndreas and Tomorrowland..He was very happy that I made it home.





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Ruth :


I am glad you enjoyed your vacation alone.  we used spirit airlines second time & first time we learnt our lesson &second  time  did take bagpack so everything was free turn out to be great deal for our college visit trip cheaper than even our road trips in past. 



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Hey Ruth,


Now you know in the event you decide to travel with them again just what to do and what not to do for the best prices... Glad you got to make a few rounds with your son at the hospital... That must have been exciting at that early hour of the mornings?? Three days were better than no days when you knew William was in good hands with the caretaker while you were away...


I know he was glad you made it back and the trip was short Since this last little problem I suffered with my physical condition I don't have the go, go, go feelings I once had to hit the road but I will know next month how things work out on the trip to New Orleans and back...


I'll hope for the best and not have to stay at the hotel or the casino more than I want to anyway... My wife will be with her family members and I will have my scooter to go where I want to go since I have just about seen all the places I want to see in New Orleans downtown area...


Tell Williams Fred say hello and take care of himself....

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Ruth: great news. I am so happy for you. I know you were concerned about William, but he fared just fine and you had some time off with family and friends.


We learn as we go along. Keep notes and next time the outcome will be better. You probably wouldn't have chosen Spirit if you were traveling with William anyway. When I was making arrangements for NM, I checked in with our friends in CA who travel all the time, know how to find the best deals, always do carryon and they both said, spend a few dollars extra since you are traveling with Bruce and get a quality airline. If I had been going alone, would have done the same exact thing you did and brought a good book with me.


So glad for you - well deserved and wonderful you had a good time! Debbie

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Ruth, well done, a small getaway every now and again does lift your spirits.  Loved your photos on Facebook.  Sounds like it worked out very well visiting your son and make some good memories for him too.

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Ruth, I have not traveled since Larry's stroke 5 years ago and I so long to go somewhere.  With the feeding tube, I will have to do the same thing you did and leave him with a caregiver,  or just take short road trips.  


You must be so proud to have a son who is a doctor and to make rounds with him at his workplace.   Now that you did it and know what is what, you can go visit him again.


Take care and best to William,



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