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I Thank God I'm Still Here A Stroke Survivor For 12 Years



I thank God I am still here 12 years after the stroke as a survivor and my wife by my side as my soul mate and care giver while still working a full time job for the last ten years.... I love her dearly.... :D :roflmao: Could not have come this far by myself.......


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Fred yes you are blessed with a loving and faithful wife. You have the ability to overcome the obstacles of life. How is you puppy. Ruth. I can not seem to sign in as myself. I am using Williams



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Hey Ruth,


I think about your shih Tzu all the time but just can't seem to get to Houston to visit you and William.... I just went to pick up my daughter last week to bring her back to Killeen from Gatesville....


The pup we got left is big as her mom, we sold the other five..... They wore me out caring for all of them.....OK, take care you and William and the dogs....  

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Did you find a place for your daughter? Next month will be 14 years since my stroke. Hubby still doing double duty.My left side is also paralyzed. I get around with a cane and can drive but it still sucks. I'm fortunate to have my family live close by and we're very close.I also thank God for all my blessings and often have to remind myself how fortunate I am.

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Hello Fred, you are a lucky man to have a loving wife and family.  After me just getting back for England, I know how it  is imporant to have a loving family, and to have a loving understanding husband is also great.


Happy New Year to You and your family


God Bless Yvonne

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Lynn,, yes I finally got an apartment yesterday and got her things moved in too from my storage shed now just now she calls me and say she needs to go to a hospital so I say call an ambulance they will take you to a hospital.... I bought her a cell phone put her on my carrier account yesterday....


She has cost me and my wife dearly since Social Security has not started a check yet for her ailment and they don't when they will restart her benefits either....

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Glad you made it back and Happy New Year to you and yours.... I am lucky to have the wife I got now for sure....

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