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January Is Almost Gone



This year is moving on with one week left in January so I hope many of you are getting better and by December this year we all will be lots better in health and strength I pray..... Just never give up or give in it takes time.... :D We all agree on that fact...


Well I got my daughter in an apartment finally on ground floor now I pray Social Security will get her SSI check started soon My wife and I have spent some money trying to get her settled into life again but she is still my child at 51 years of age.... Her only child, a son, is still in Japan with his family and they have two girls while just losing a little boy at birth first of this month....


He got out the Army last year over there and they are living with his wife's parents while he goes to college on the money he got for getting out the Army..... I guess he will remain over there for some time to come...... He sent some funds back here to help me get his mom (my daughter) settled in an apartment.....


I remember when he was growing up living with his grandma when he was 5 or 6 years old, he would ask her, grandma, why don't my mamma come home, I love her..... I was still on duty assignments in Germany at that time with the pistol team..... In fact I was in Iran shooting the NATO matches..... So I pray she will straighten herself out and not get into anymore troubles with the Law at almost 52 years old....


Well my wife just left for church services and I'm still not able to walk good enough to go with her or get up from the church pews where I sit down.... Well that is all for this blog but I wish all of you reading this to have a blessed day.....


Don't forget the two big football games today later this evening I will be watching for sure..... :D


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Fred, your kids will always be your kids no matter how old they get.  I have spent a lot of time this year supporting my younger son through the Family Court and know you just do whatever it takes.  I hope your daughter makes the transition happily into the best life she can have.  I am sure that is what you are praying for yourself.  Just do whatever you can afford to do for her and let her know you are there for her when she needs you.  And your grandson too.  Grandparents are important, they have time and now you can be there in a way not possible when you were younger and tied to the job. Just keep going Fred, it is all we can do.

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Bronco game insane!! We do all we can for our kids and hope they learn. So difficult watching them learn the hard way. So very sorry for the loss of your grandson.We must trust in God's way even when we don't understand His ways. May 2016 be a year of healing for us all. Blessings mlp

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Fred,you survive and at least one visible result is that you can help your daughter. She has a good son. You must be proud of your grandson.


You have taught me that changes are slow but wait and find small ones. And setbacks happen,but wait for healing,work for it. You are an inspiration,a coach. And good Father.

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Fred I am glad you and your wife have been able to help your daughter get her life back in order.  I'm sure she appreciates the help you give her.  As parent's we try to love and help our kids as long as we can.  I admire you for all you do.  Larry has a difficult time attending church services but we are lucky that we can participate in our church's live streaming service online.  Also, we have a visiting pastor come and give Larry communion.


Take care of yourself and enjoy those football games.



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