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OK. So I needed to talk


My ex-husband finally said he has a girlfriend. I should be happy for him and I am but.. he and i are great friends yes but he is the ONLY man in my life I know of because my life basically started after my stroke. But why do I care? I guess it's the fear of feeling being damaged. I feel like a hypocrite sometimes.. I often say to people the shouldn't feel that way and now I'm the one telling ya'll that. I know realize i was in denial. What he doesn't understand, 1. I'm over at his house 2. The way we kid around is what we were like before the divorce. Nothing physical but that is all i knew from him. I must sound like a dunce.. but i had to vent


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I think I know where you are coming from Kelli, never been there but I do remmeber the awkwardness of meeting an old boyfriend with his new ladylove, freezing glances from her, shamefaced looks from him.  All you can do is accept and try not to bump into them together.

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Know what you are feeling.  Life goes on, he has moved on. Time for you to move on. . It is great that you are good friends, but cut down going to his house, and the kiding around, this could be giving you false hope. Don't hang out where you know they will be.  Time is a healer.Each day is a day to accept that  that relationship is done.


Wishing well



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Know what you are feeling.  Life goes on, he has moved on. Time for you to move on. . It is great that you are good friends, but cut down going to his house, and the kiding around, this could be giving you false hope. Don't hang out where you know they will be.  Time is a healer.Each day is a day to accept that  that relationship is done.


Wishing well



i believe the false hope was spot on from me

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It is very easy to fall into that trap especially when the initial break came from the other party (I'm assuming that bit, sorry If I'm wrong).  Try to give yourself and him some space.  You need to find a new pattern for living and to learn that you can not only live but be happy away from him.


Good luck with it



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Hey Keli,you are still the strong woman with leadership qualities,and this is a universal experience. We all get a turn at loss and heartache.


It takes strength to look inside, view the unveiled,and make resolutions.


And every woman, stroke or no stroke, feels like damaged goods when he gets another woman.


My one cent sentence of advice is remember your inner warrioress the stroke molded.


You can deal,you can heal.

Take this pain too and use it as fuel to forge another beautiful ring of strength and wisdom that will be admired and inspire.

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hey Kelli :


I was so upset reading your blog didn't know what to say but I agree with yvonne & pam both nailed it. I agree with both you need to step back from going to his place so often though in a way I think you are going there for your son & not him. but I agree time for you to move on. you are great person inside out & will find great guy.



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