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That's nice of you to give your blessing to Steelers, who ever that is. But where is he/she going to go? :)



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i think that my sister means that the Pittsburgh Steelers are going to win the Super Bowl, whatever that is.


sandy :giggle:

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To Everyone:


The Steelers that hostpam was referring to ARE the Pittsburgh Steelers, who are the National Football Leaque's American Football Conference WINNER who is playing in the Super Bowl, against the Seattle Seahawks who are the National Football Leaque's National Football Conference Winner.


They are playing at Heinz Field in Detroit, Michigan.


The Super Bowl is equivilant to baseball's World Series, but the Super Bowl IS only one game.


With that said, GO Steelers !!!!!





PS: Welcome back Pam, I missed you

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missed you and your blogs and comments, was so excited to see your blog, though turn out to be disappointment, but will cheer for steelars, don't watch any football or baseball.


but start blogging woman, I miss you



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Sister Pam


Congratulations on having the Pittsburgh Steelers win the Super Bowl!! i know that you enjoyed yourself watching the game. this is the start of a lucky year for you.


as for me, i didn't even turn the game on. i was too busy bidding on oakleys and raybans on ebay. this is far better than going to A.C.-at least you can gamble and get something back that you wanted. i'm glad that i don't have enough money to do this all day.


sandy :giggle:

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Sandy and Bonnie,

Yup glad my team won.... it makes up for the 2 years the Buffalo Bills choked in the superbowl.

Sandy, I know football isn't your thing, but geez.... the Giants and the Jets are in Jersey! As far as I'm concerned the only true NY team left is the Buffalo Bills. I know this is a worn out tired old debate, but those are my feelings. Theres only one NY team left in football.........

Hope you got the winning bids on Ebay.

We enjoyed the game, we had snacks and the best tasting meatballs I've ever had outside an Italian restaurant. We've got leftovers too, Meatball subs being served the next few nights.


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