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Last Friday,I started seeing a counselor about my family problems. Today she discusses an intervention, which has really started me to thinking. When I was in the Air Force, I was given a very rare honor. Because of my Security Clearance I was given access to some of the most sensative secrets in the naqtion. With that honor came responsibilities. If I ever violated that trust I would be out, no questions asked. In many ways I gave my family the same type of access to me. My brother especially, violated that trust, and no amount of intervention can restore that trust. So, I am seriously reconsidering the intervention. Oh well.

In other news Teddy has had a problem with the nails on his paws, they are getting too long and are hurting. Poor Teddy didn't even want to go for a walk for most of a day. He is doing much better now. I will take him the get them groomed when I get my stimulus check on May 16.



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i can understand your pain, i have felt betrayed several times and once it was so bad that it took me 35 years to forgive him, i felt much better after i could do that, i still haven't forgotten and if i was in the same situation again, i would still be vigilant i=so it coldn't happen again, i dob't know what a intervention does, but i do know for your own health that forgiveness will help you not him, you will stay in my prayers.

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I would tend to think that her goal in suggesting the intervention is not to restore the trust. I'm sure she realizes it's a bit beyond that and knows she has no control over his behavior and an intervention is not going to suddenly wake him up. It seems more likely that it is in hopes that it will alleviate some tension and enable you to move away from it without it eating at you. She's not trying to get the two of you back together, she's trying to get you to let go.

In between clippings if you walk or let Teddy run on cement a bit it will keep his nails filed down a bit so they don't get too long.

Good luck

Maria :friends:

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