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I'm so glad you enjoyed your vacation and the location.


During the past several months, we have rid our house of a lot of "stuff." When I was younger, I liked lots of stuff. Now I kind of enjoy the minimal look. I tell our daughters that at least they won't have to dispose of it when we are no longer here as the work is already done. It was hard doing it at first, but then I thought "what the heck."


Something that has helped me to live in the present is volunteering. I know it's not for everyone but when I visit with the MakeAWish children, I am grateful I have lived as many years as I have with the majority in good health. Some of these kids have lived in a hospital as much as they have lived at home. I share this only as an inspiration for what has truly helped me post-stroke.


Great new profile photo, Leah. You look beautiful!


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Look at you Leah in your new pic - whoohooo! you are a very beautiful lady dear. I'm so glad that you and Jerry had a relaxing time in Rocky Point. I loved it there the one time I got to go. For me though the trip ended in sun poisoning on my forehead as I had gotten my hair braided (on the beach LOL) The hotel we stayed at was an older hotel as well and enhanced the time away.


I hope that with the help of the psychiatrist you will be able to let go of your emotions regarding the stroke. As much as we'd like to, we can't change the past and the baggage that we can carry around is not healthy for us at all. As we don't know what the future holds in store, we have today. I bet sitting out on your back porch is good for the soul.



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hi leah,

glad you had a good and relaxing vacation! i think it is great you are going to talk with someone about the issues of loss and grief around your stroke. it will more than likely help you move to another level in the acceptance journey. it is hard for people to realize what is lost when a stroke occurs and i think it must be different for each survivor. i know i was never great with dealing with my feelings and when i was seeing someone post stroke he reminded me that feelings ....when felt...will not hurt me. they are just feeling...not good or bad but just part of me. big lesson for this girl.

i spent sometime trying to figure out "why" i had my stroke. how could i have hooked up with such a moron for a doctor? this was not energy well spent and i realized i needed to forgive the stupid doctor and move on. the stroke happened and why does not change it.....like donna says, all we have is today....really, this very moment.

keep on your recovery path, you are doing great! keep us posted on how you are doing. by the way...great picture! :hug: kathy

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Thank you my friends for your posts. It always helps to know that what I am feeling is "normal" with stroke recovery and I realize everyone reacts differently. Today I am trying to just live in today. BTW I really don't like my picture but that's my vanity acting up!! Leah

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hi Leah:


thanks for update about your vacation. glad you had great relaxing time at your vacation. I agree with Donna & kathy I never want to go back and question why my stroke happened & could it have been avoided. I lost my precious 2 years of my life questioning & crying about it. I accept that it has happened & this is what I got & I got to make best out of my present moment. I am thankful for being around my son & hubby. I got lucky to see how deep my hubby is & how lucky I was to marry him.




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