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  2. Heather my handicap now is my left knee. Five years ago I had a melanoma behind my knee and a specialist in Sydney had to take it right down to the tendons to make sure she'd taken enough to make it safe. So the little tendon that controls moving to the left doesn't work as well as it should. Now I have to stop and think before I make that move. I've had a few falls because of that. I am 76 now so I am finding myself much slowed down but life must go on. Like you I try to grin and get over it as quickly as I can.
  3. HostAsha

    I feel fine

    Sue : Good to see your blog. As a longtime survivor married to a guy who doesn't express his feelings or talk much, I've learned a great deal about what caregivers go through while caring for their disabled spouses through blogs of caregivers here. I make sure to help wherever I can, keeping safety in mind so that he doesn't crumble under immense pressure. I'm so thankful he's been strong enough to stick around and support me. I don't think I would have had his strength; I might have crumbled and given up. Caregiving isn't easy, especially with so much uncertainty. Anyway, I'm glad you chose to stick around. I did the same for the same reason. It's important to provide the support we've received when we need it most on this site. It's one of the best legacies of Steve Thanks, Asha Chandra
  4. Sometimes I wonder how I got to be 76. Why it just seems like yesterday I was a young Mum with small kids and a hectic life and now I am an old lady sitting three times a week having coffee with a bunch of old people I call friends and we discuss various health complaints that slow us down and make us look...well..old. At least we have that is common. We may not be young and maybe sometimes feel sad about that for a minute or two. But then we laugh and say: "Well I'm still here." And that is where I am right now. The summer is over here in Oz and we've just gone off daylight saving so it's going to get darker earlier now. It's a relief really as it's been a hell of a summer. It was not so much the heat but wearing waist to toe pressure stockings meant the humidity made life very difficult. I seriously neglected the garden and am only just starting to get it back under control. Weeds really love humidity and parts of it look like an overgrown jungle. I haven't kept up with a lot of my older more distant friends so that is "to do list" too. At my age there are so many funerals of older friends that that is my major source of So I seriously need to pay more attention to Trev and Alice will be here next week for the week and I need to put time aside from them. Alice is 11 now, 12 in June so has some sort of media on the go most of the visit with breaks for meals. Love her heaps and as long as she's happy, I'm happy. Church has taken up a lot of my time this year. Our main minister retired in January leaving Kathy, our part time minister to do everything so I've been filling in the gaps. I find that a bit more tiring than it used to be, don't seem to have that second wind when I need it. More rocking horse than race horse these days. But at least my days are fully filled and I have little time to feel lonely. Loneliness is the curse of old age here. I read Kelli's blog so it's nice to see someone is working behind the scenes on Strokenet now. I think those of us who have stayed on need that reassurance. I love the interaction that being in here provides. Okay it is a long time since I've been a full time. Caregiver but those experiences do not fade with time and I'm here if anyone needs that support. Seems a long time since I hosted Caregiver Chat but there are still people struggling out there and maybe we still have something we can do to support them. It's getting dark outside so I best go and look to see what I can miracle into "dinner for one" tonight. My next door neighbour has been away for a few days so I've just been over to feed his cat. It's another one of those odd jobs I do. Keep smiling and keep well. That's my long term plan too. I'll be thinking of you all, reminiscing is one of my occupations now. I'd love to hear from those I know and a big "hello" to all who remember me. Sue.
  5. Hi Kelli, a few of us have been trying to keep the site going. I'm glad to see you on here. After so many years and as a widow I don't think I contribute a lot but do enjoy interacting with the rest of the people on here. Maybe we can build up the numbers again so that new people can feel they can not only get support but also make friends here as I have done. Hope you can find another good job but without the stress the last one put you through. Hugs from Sue.
  6. Let me introduce myself again. My name is Kelli and I had my stroke 15 years ago from a chiropractor adjustment gone wonky. I'm now 49 and in a few weeks, my twin sister will be 50 and I'll be 40 hahahaha. I am the Stroke Support Coordinator here and have been for the past 15 years. I took a step back and work on my mental health. I was in a bad place ( nothing like unliving myself) for ,as many of you are dealing with, I was 34 and shortly before my divorce and now living on my own I accrued credit card debt. Single and living off SSDI and bills , I got a Home Equity Loan and paid off my debit........great BUT......... The job I was at, let me go but not for job performance but a new policy change required a physical demand that is needed to continue to work there and my neurologist and The Arc ( after 5 years) decided that I can't do it and I don't blame them. I don't want to put myself in harms way. So added stress there. My parents have been great and I have a savings but I'm in a quandary for if I take money from my savings ans I have to pay taxes on that so ugh. I'm still with my guy and I'm happy. He's younger so i have to remember that I've lived and learned . I'm in a quandary . I'm 49 and he's 38 1/2 lol (my oldest son is 30 ) but he gets me and understands my stroke issues and now had met my friend 'Peri" ( Peri menopause) yikes. We don't live together and I'm OK with that now. I'm working with DVR ( Department of Vocational Rehabilitation) to `find a job for people with health issues connect with a job that knows you have a challenges and to allow me to only gross ( payroll) I had the meeting with them and waiting for the call back. I'm pretty guaranteed a spot so I'm excited to have money again for my food, because of my dietary allergies ( Milk, wheat, soy) basically makes my food choice small. cooking for myself is for sure a solution. except it's EXPENSIVE. I've been trying to help out with the new memberships so I'm behind the scenes. I send my gratitude to all and wish all a great spring ( for our friends down under; Happy Fall * below is a silly picture from New Years*
  7. Happy Birthday

  8. swilkinson

    Sue & Mark

    Mark which Sue is this? Great to see people meeting up because of Strokenet. Sue from Downunder.
  9. Madade

    Other Members Meet Photo

  10. She should be OK, had a message from her recently to say that they are doing a boat trip that stops in Auckland and wondered if we could meet. Deigh
  11. Are you okay Janelle? It's been a while since we've heard from you?
  12. Keep on posting. Not a lot of people on here at the moment so its like a small community and we like to hear from each other.



  13. It was while I was in the hospital that they discovered I had type two diabetes. That falling down is not good stuff. So be careful. I'm coming up 10 years. Exercise and oxygen current diabetes control. Was on Jardiance. Loved it for control. Wore me down though.
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