
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by becky1

  1. GQ, I WISH that it was possible to to "run out of tears" but what we really need is having no more situations to cry about . When I feel like crying, but cant'', it's because I have more than one emotion about the situation and just thinking about the situation both emotions to the forefront, and I can't cry until I CAN REACH SOME SORT OF RESOLUTIION. Don't worry, your tears will find you when you're ready for them.Becky " ]" it
  3. Good for you Seriously, I THINK THAT i AM SO USED to things being extra-hard that I don't even think about pointing out to someone, iIm glad that someone does. Becky!
  4. It bothers me that sometimes ( a lot of times) there is no consideration of the needs of handi-capped people. It's not anyone's fault really, because unless you have been handicapped yourself, or taken care of someone who is, you have no clue. Becky
  5. Deigh, it's pretty much the same here as for winding down in energy by the afternoon. During the early evening hours is when my foot and ankle start to really bother me. I guess it's because they are tired and stiff from being mostly stationary all day. This is when I do the circular exercises with my foot a lot. Becky
  6. Deigh, About your stiffness in ankle and calf-I get the same thing, It's probably tone. But, ln thinking about it, I realized that I don't move around much either, which is one of the reasons you can get tone in the first place. When it gets cold, my ankle, foot, and lower leg areas can get downright achy feeling. During one of those achy periods, I posted about it on here, and was told by several people that movement helps. So I experimented with different movements and found that circular movements worked best for me. What I mean by "circular movements": I draw imaginary circles in the air with my toes, clockwise and counterclockwise. If you watch your foot while doing this, you'll actually see your whole foot moving, which is the main reason it seems to help, I think. YOU CAN DO THIS LYING down, or sitting up. Or, while standing on your head. It doesn't seem to matter. All that seems to matter is the movement. Becky
  7. GQ, My mother had that surgery several years ago, but the reason for it may have been different from yours; Her toes curled under so that when she walked, she was walking on top of her toes. FWIW, THE SUR5GERY WAS SUCCESSFUL, AND SHE NEVER HAD THAT PROBLEM AGAIN,
  8. Especially if you have 2 kids in college you need to get his SD-Social Security Disability app. going because it is a long, intensive application, and they can take up to 90 days to process it. I heard that they wee allowing you to do an application by phone; They probably still are in these COVID day s .Another reason Disability takes so long is because they commonly deny your 1st application, and you have to re-apply, and wait another 9 0 days. If they do this to you, hire a Social Security atty. They will file the 2nd app for you. I vote for more rehab if insurance will pay. You can never have too much rehab. SERIOUSLY, MOST PEOPLE DON'T GET ENOUGH! PLEASE feel free to post any questions or concerns you may have This new world you've entered can be a confusing one. Best, Becky
  9. Can you befriend a cat? They make great companions too.
  10. Lg, We have often on here discussed that after our strokes, our "friends" all disappeared. They acted as if we had the plague or something. We needed to know that we were loved and missed, and still had value, in spite of our handicaps. But not a phone call or visit did we receive. The same thing happens at a funeral or wake. People will come out of the woodwork to attend these, but then you won't see or hear from them until you run into them accidentally a year later. My own spin on this is that people don't want to come face-to-face with their own mortality or their own fragility as human beings.So they avoid you, because you remind them that they aren't immortal or made of concrete. And, if it happened to you, it could happen to them, and that's a truth that they cannot bear to think about. Why not go ahead and get Roscoe? Dogs can be great companions. Did you know that you can blog here? Writing things down helps you hang onto thoughts before they disappear. Becky
  11. Lg, Read one of our caretaker's handbooks, THE FIVE STAGES OF GRIEVING, It won't answer a lot of your questions, but it will give you a good understanding of the grieving process. The handbook is based on the teachings of KUBLER-ROSS, and I think that our lending library has that book too. When I was in rehab, they gave me an Ensure a day. It supplies you with all your vitamins plus helps you not to lose weight. I loved the way it tasted, and it comes in several flavors. It's hard to take care of yourself when your heart hurts so badly, but try. 'Talk" to us whenever you want to. We'll listen, and maybe even try to help. There is a life beyond the wall of pain. You'll get there, just keep putting one foot beyond the other, and you'll get there. Becky
  12. Lg, I didn't realize that this topic had moved, and thought it was something I'd already read... so I JUST FOUND OUT THAT YOUR LOVER HAD DIED. WORDS SEEM SO INADEQUATE NOW. I'M SO INCREDIBLY SORRY. May you both find peace. Becky
  13. Paul, I have posted on SN before, that I cannot handle stress. Ordinary stress doesn't bother me much, but when it's a lot of stress, or extraordinary, or unremitting, I get overwhelmed and can't function too well. I drop everything I try to hold in my hands. and I have trouble concentrating on one thing at a time. I think that COVID would qualify as a major stressor, then add to it lock-down, financial stressors, and lack of sunshine and normal ,everyday stressors, and your life becomes a haven of stress .I think that lt's possible that your brain is just reacting to the stress, and you are experiencing that, and not a loss in abilities. It's JMO, BUT i THINK THAT WHEN THE STRESS IS REDUCED, YOUR NORMAL FUNCTIONING WILL COME BACK.
  14. Lg, I've been in a situation somewhat similar to yours, and even though it was over 20 yrs. ago, it feels like it happened yesterday. Throughout my experience I asked the same questions of God that you have asked, but chief among them was, 'Wny?'I never got an answer either. But that didn't stop me from asking. My one piece of advice is to try and be kind to yourself. This includes taking good care of yourself because no one is going to do it for you. Don't give u p on God He's still there .Becky
  15. I'm so sorry, Lg. I know that this is not what you wanted. It sounds like you've found your peace. REMEMBER THAT. Becky
  16. Thanks, Asha. i REMEMBERED THE BOXES THAT WERE BESIDE THE FORUMS THAT CONTAINED DEBTS and progress toward meeting the goals of paying the debts. When I didn't see the info, it never occurred to me to look elsewhere. Thanks a bunch! Becky