missing my father in law and friend
As I have shared with most of you so far I am caregiver to both kitty 10 year stroke survivor and my father in law who only has 10% lung function due to black lung. He was in the hospital or a nursing home since just before Christmas 2010 and finally returned home a few weeks ago.
Today for what seems like the millionth time I was up to his house fixing a drainage problem under his house. What was different this time compared to all the times I have done the same job in the past, he wasn't able to be around where I was working doing his usual supervising job.
Every few days my mother in law asks me to come sit with him while she runs to town to take care of some errans, which I gladly do. Today while working on his drain it really hit home that he is not the man that had been there prior to going into the hospital. I don't know cause no one has ever said anything but I sometimes wonder if the oxygen deprivation he has suffered has caused him to change or if what he had a stroke while in the hospital all that time.
I know and believe after reading some of you all's blogs and form post that the man I knew is still there. I anxiously await the day for him to return. I love the man as much as if he were blood kin.
Thanks for letting me ramble for a few just had to share what I relized today.
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