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Ray had another seizure



I am still trying to decide where to put Ray into permanent care. Where Ray is now is good for the stage he is currently in, where he can use his good leg to self-propel himself around in his wheelchair. He has access to the gardens straight outside through the French doors in his shared room. His room mates often open the door for him. Where Mum is you have to ask staff to be able to go outside.


The ancillary staff members have shown me where to make myself a cup of coffee now so I can have one any time and when I go to the dining room to help Ray with his lunch the girls bring me a cup of coffee to the table. The nurses and aides seem very caring there too. The facility has nice gardens in closed-in courtyards. There are plenty of shaded areas too and plenty of parking but it is 25 minutes drive from here.


The advantage of where Mum lives is that it is closer to home and I know most of the staff. It is also closer to our local shopping centre so I can buy a "thick shake" on the way, maybe even push Ray to the centre in the wheelchair if I have one of the family with me. Where he is now is more isolated.


Both facilities seem to be good so it is a hard choice.


Ray was very slow on Friday; he kept dropping the fork at lunch so I finished up feeding him. It could be the change in anti-seizure dose. I hope not another TIA. Poor man, he is so over this I am sure. He kept telling me he was tired and "just wanted to go home to bed". I almost cried every time he said it.


On Saturday I spent six hours in hospital with Ray. He was unresponsive at breakfast so the nursing home staff said, so after monitoring his pulse, blood pressure and sugar level and finding all results good they left him there. Someone came back later and he seemed to be sleeping. He was not responsive at morning tea time, but again seemed to be in a deep sleep. Then at 11am the staff decided it was getting serious as they could not rouse him and decided to ring me. As I was not home so they called the next number on the list, my younger son.


It took my kids about an hour to remember what I was doing and Trevor finally caught up with me at the nursing home. I had had morning tea with some friends from Ray's stroke support group. I guess I will have to have another mobile phone so people can reach me and stop panicking! Being without one has allowed me to be “out of reach” when the in-home carers were here but it is different when the nursing home staff need me to contact them urgently.


The ambulance again took Ray to the local hospital as they did last Sunday and again they carried out tests and said there was nothing really wrong. So we wonder if the seizures are stroke related or dementia related? We don't know. No new treatment was recommended although they did do a lot of blood work etc. I left at 6.30pm with the in-patient ambulance due to pick him up in an hour or so.


This morning one of the nurses who was on yesterday was still anxious about what course of action we should have taken. Is it wise to just keep him in bed or did we do the right thing sending him to the hospital? Two serious seizures in less than a week is too much. Surely something must be out of balance for this to keep happening?


Ray was marginally better today. The morning staff left him in bed to rest, I didn't object. Ray and I didn't go to the Sunday concert instead we did some word puzzle words after lunch and after twenty minutes I could see he was struggling to keep his eyes open so I lowered his bed head down and settled him for a nap. He doesn't look well and his voice was weak but he may be just tired from the exhausting day yesterday.


I know there must be others here who have had experience with seizures personally or within their family so any advice would be very welcome. The whole thing really worries me right now.




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I hope that the neurologist is being consulted. Perhaps, the meds need to be changed again. Yes, this is worrisome.


I presume that Ray is tired because of the seizures. They are a drain on the brain.


I do worry about you and Ray. I always carry my cell. I just don't answer unnecessary calls.


I will continue to keep you and Ray in my prayers.




Both place sound good. That will be a hard decision to make. It would be easier on you to have them at the same facility. You need to think about yourself in that scenario.

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oh sue i am so sorry to hear the newsof ray it must be very hard on you and for that i am so sorry i will be sending lots of prayers your way to both ray and to you

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I am so sorry to hear Ray's new ordeal, you both will be in my thoughts and prayers for things to settle down. I personally feel having Ray & Mum both at the same facility will be much easier for you to manage care of both of your loved ones. you know the staff, its close to your house. so I feel you should keep both of them in one facility, as it is you have lot of headaches, keeping them at one will help in your own stress level.



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Sue: both facilities sound excellent and like you, I do like the idea that Ray has some independence. The grounds sound wonderful. But I also agree with Ruth and Asha that you must take yourself and family into the decision making. Personally honey I think the decision will feel right when the time comes.


For now, I am so sorry about Ray's seizures. I commend the facility staff in seeking you out to see how you felt about their decisions concerning Ray's medical condition when you could not be reached. Such communication is so needed. Please know that you are in my prayers. Debbie

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Sue, Seems like you keep getting thrown some curve balls. So sorry to hear that Ray is having more difficulties. You are fortunate to have two options on where to have Ray live. That independence is a big one but may shrink as time goes by. Personally I have been thankful to have Dick not so far a drive. Dick would not take advantage of greater independence if it were offered to him. The atmosphere of his room therefore is important to me. He is able to have some things that make it his own space. I do think having a cell phone adds to my peace of mind. We had one when we were travelling and after the stroke I figured it made more sense to keep the cell and forgo the landline. I have learned to program different ringtones to various numbers so I know what calls I can ignore when I am busy yet not miss the important ones.


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