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Halloween is coming



Not everybody get into Halloween, I did as a child going door to door getting enough candy and goodies to last until the next year. My step daughter and her daughter doesn't believe in it. She say it's for the devils and believers. I said well, I guess I was a devil as a child because we sure went out trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.


Some of you here may remember back some years when people started putting all kinds of stuff in the candy and giving it to the kids. About that time is when I stopped getting into Halloween plus I had no more kids at that time. Mine were all grown up with kids of their own. It's a shame how some grownups can act. I think now if you are not interested in kids at your door the police is suggesting turn your front porch light off and don't answer the door. My wife is like a kid herself and she has already purchased a ton of goodies to pass out at the door./


Nowadays too they have the haunted houses in different locations around the city and on the Military post where the whole community is welcomed to attend. I personally have nothing against it. I just feel it is for the kids. All the retail stores are already stocked up and selling costumes and candy of all types. Walmart, Kmart, toys r us and many of our grocery stores are selling their goods for Halloween. So in many ways it's still a big profit getter for the stores.


Some of the stores got really elaborate layouts for your yards so Halloween is coming whether we like it or not! I guess I'll be home with my wife while she passes out goodies. Here in my city it starts about 6pm and the kids got two hours to be off the streets. That's a good thing with all the predators around these days looking for young kids to do harm to them.


So by all means please keep your kids safe and try to get out with them early and back home. Oh check your bags before letting your kids eat the candies to be safe. Everyone is not honest. Here the Police has made announcements that they will be out looking for unregistered predators and making arrest. That should help some in various neighborhoods for sure. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Be safe! :devil: :growl: :nuts: :tired: :silly: :dribble:



A little more info: 15 October Update!


I was in Walmart yesterday and heard so many women and parents discussing the prices this year of the costumes in all the stores even Big Lot stores. The other thing is most of these costumes are made in China. They probably have been for the last few years too.


At this Walmart they have temporary help hired from now through 15 January for toys and this Halloween section trying to keep it off the floor and straighten up some. The parents just let their kids pick through all of it and put it on the floor. No one seem to care but the helpers are doing a good job keeping it off the floor. I don't know why some people let their kids do things like that.


Today, Saturday, they suppose to put one of the greeters in that section to help the temp hire control that section and one of the managers are there about every 15 minutes or so. I didn't realize how grown ups can be so un-parent like. Everything they do is on camera and they know that. Walmart doesn't mind calling the police and they love to haul you off to jail. Walmart is their biggest sale tax revenue producer and the police comes in a heart beat when called. See Ya!



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I also enjoy Halloween. My wife and I usually take turns walking with the kids. This year I may dress up as the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. Like the Scarecrow, I wish I had a brain!



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Fred: Halloween is my favorite holiday. Always has been. Where I grew up and in that time, neighbors knew everything about you and the family and if a neighbor parent said "jump" you'd better say "how high" or you would be answering to Daddy that night. My Dad would dress up and scare the kids at the door. As adults, my brothers and sisters and I have separate lives and are not as close as those days; but my screen saver at work is when the babies-twins, 10 years younger than me experienced their first Halloween at 7 months and the 7 of us in our costumes, ready for the festivities. My Mom would separate our bags and all the Mounds would suddenly disappear-her favorite-lol!


I remember the years as a newlywed, baking and setting up special bags for my Trick or Treaters. That ended quickly. With all the negative stuff, one didn't dare give out baked goods-just went into the trash and when our Britt came along, did the same for her myself. Times just changed.


Bruce knows of my love for the holiday. For years I manned our Ambulance as an EMT since I was the Pediatric pro. I remember two children who arrived just as I was leaving for my shift and said "are you a cop?" It was the navy blue uniform-lol.


Now, we have new, young neighbors with wonderful children. We have experienced the death of beloved neighbors across the street and just behind us. One man at 55 with a new born. So as a small community, go all out for our kids. Everyone has people in, here it is so exciting for Bruce. He can see how the kids have grown, we get to chat as neighbors about what is going on, how everyone is doing. Adults have wine and our poor Kira is chased throughout the house "kitty" "kitty". LOL and lots of love and laughs.


We plan for about 50. We definitely see about 25 and a good time is had by all. Thank you for reminding me. Debbie

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Guest hostwill




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Fred, Halloween was my favorite. As like Debbie everyone new everyone in the neighborhood. I lived in the country, you did a lot of walking. Houses were three blocks apart. We went out one beggars night (day before Halloween), and dressed as bums.


Mom would have a dump out our bags and she would take all the big candy bars like Hershey's. She would freeze them and give them to us at Easter time.


In my 20's I use to make costumes. Like a Monkey, Lion, Raisin. Raccoon ect. Me being in the north where by the end of October is will probably cold a costumes that is heavy keeps you warm outside. But, wearing is to an indoor party your get overheated. I would rent them out every year.


Now a days people who want to give out candy it is printed in the local paper the streets that people are giving.

And those that choose not to turn off their outside lights. Or many areas like our YMCA have a Halloween party and gives out candy. These days I dress up and visit my neighbor kids before they go trick or treating.

remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

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