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Busy, but very precious week



Now I don't mind getting up early and I am certainly organized, but our new routine is a bit grueling.


Our heat goes on at 5am. My farmer is up and out of bed at 5:30am and it takes some doing to make him wait a half hour for the house to warm up a bit. He starts his coffee, turns on the Weather Channel and opens blinds, awaiting his newspaper and seeing the neighborhood wake up. Bruce was always a delayed awakening, liked his leisure time in the morning and was willing to get up early to allow this. I, however, always hit the deck running and that was certainly good training for stroke caregiving.


On Sunday, I start my lists for the week, depending on appointments and my work schedule. I like to keep the calendar in the kitchen updated as Bruce checks it every morning. After I do the daily prep for the next day before I go to bed, I like to leave the list for Bruce. It is a good memory enhancer and allows Bruce time in the morning if there is to be a change in our morning routine.


What I do mind is the change in the routine. Bruce is always agreeable, but it sets a certain tone for the rest of the day, which can affect Bruce and not always in a good way. And having to be at therapy-half hour away-at 8am does certainly change the morning routine.


Bruce is best in the morning. Will do the most work of the day. So early therapy, with the therapists he knows and trusts, is surely a priority. We are only into the first week of therapy this go round and already he is walking and doing stairs. OT has started Estimming his hand with good results. Keep us in your prayers. PT is not happy with his transfers, wants him more independent. Part of the problem is his weight gain. But with the increased physical activity and a little less enabling (LOL), he will get there.


I agreed to this schedule as Bruce had Botox just three weeks ago and winter is coming. He will be getting out less. Therapy advised that not many sessions will be approved by Insurance, so we have to go with what is approved, now.


In the meantime, Bruce has shown the greatest interest in Christmas since the stroke. I know a lot of it was Mary Beth coming here for Thanksgiving (even tho it was Saturday after) and doing the whole tradition. We have our tree up and some decorations-very simple. We open cards together every day and hang them. Bruce is doing five to ten cards a day. He is going alphabetically, so the VWXYZ's may come late! He polished silver, set up the candy trays. We are expecting Carl for dinner Friday night and Brittany will be bringing Izabella for a visit on Saturday. As is true for a lot of us, invitations and visits are now limited. I do not know how Bruce feels about this, but it is what it is. People are busy and it is just easy to think dealing with a disabled person will be easier on the disabled person if they just don't include them-lol.


So trying to balance the new therapy schedule and the holidays. I do so want this Christmas to be special. It is a lot of work and I have little time to myself. I try to sit and just enjoy the tree and lights before bedtime. Thursday is a down day. Bruce will help make scalloped potatoes for Carl's dinner and of course, his cards. We have not done our drive through the neighborhood to see the decorations and do the Festival of Lights on the harbor. But he is walking and doing stairs! And I only hope that he will now start at home. He wants the caregivers gone and understands that this will only happen when he is safe.


Happy Holidays to all. Keep blogging. Want to hear about everyone's special time. Debbie


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Debbie, I wondered why I hadn't got a card from you and Bruce yet. Is that because my name begins with "W"?


Congratulate Bruce on the progress he has made so far and tell him how you long to be able to climb those stairs with him at night to go back to your own bedroom (or whatever else you can think of to encourage him).



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That is my wish too. If only.... It sounds like Bruce is doing so well. Let him know that I am cheering him on.


Merry christmas.



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Sounds like life and living is really good around your house. That's the way it should be especially as we get up in life no matter our physical conditions. We are so blessed to have good homes with loving loved ones by our sides. Boy I can remember when I learned to walk and climb our 15 stair steps holding the rail to sleep in our bedroom together. It's been 8 years now so Bruce's' time is coming, he's doing so much better!


As we really look at our situations we can say, "It could have been much worse." God is Love He makes a way! I bet you get everything done this Christmas and hello to Bruce. :big_grin:


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Hi Debbie. I did a somewhat long post to your blog earlier, and now it has disappeard. :angry2: What is happening here? As I stated before, you are an inspiration to us all with all you do for Bruce.


Larry use to be an early 4:30-5 a.m. person too. He would get up fix coffee, feed the cats (who were usually there waiting), and then he would sit for a while and read the paper or watch TV. He had to have that sit down time even before he worked lately part time. Not so anymore. I have a hard time getting him up by 8. Maybe it's the sleep apnea. I hope this will resolve with the mask. But it's amazing how much enthusiasm and energy Bruce has.


The PT will help him a great deal. I know Larry's helped with transfers, walking staircases, and even getting up from a fall. I'm happy Bruce likes his therapists and therapy time.


I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. I'll talk to you soon. :cocktail:


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