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A very special holiday



I so had high hopes for this Christmas. We had gotten the ball rolling with Thanksgiving-small, quiet, manageable but with all the traditions.


Bruce was on board all the way! I think with the cognitive improvement and by me keeping him involved in all the prep, talking about it and planning together made all the difference.


We did the tree and indoor decorations one weekend. Then asked Carl to dinner and added in the shopping. So Friday, when I got out of work, it was home-holiday time! And we took our time.


Bruce wanted to do Christmas Cards (mine were never done), so faithfully did 5 a day and the few gifts we did buy were wrapped, so there was stuff to put under the tree right away. I lit the tree for him every morning-which he loves, and every night we did a nice dinner, lit our candles and "stinkers" and opened our cards together.


Dinner with Carl was terrific. We got up late on Saturday, had a nice breakfast. In the afternoon we watched football and had a snack tray: a tradition I keep alive in memory of my Dad. Later was touring the neighborhood to see the lights. Bruce used to pick me up from work every Christmas Eve and do just that for me. Sunday it was quiet time with coffee and the newspaper. Nice lunch, naps and a terrific Christmas dinner.


Most of the shifts at my work had floor parties. Somehow a lot of that food got sent to my house. Sunday morning, I took inventory. Most of the neighbors got a share. And bless them, most brought stuff to us. The people Bruce was expecting never showed. That is OK. But he got calls from all his Buds: California, New Mexico, New York.


I was glad today was a down day. We did have to get out for a few errands and back on the treadmill for both of us tomorrow. Bruce is willing to walk a bit with me now-that was my Christmas gift. And I have stepped up his responsibilities in the kitchen.


I do so look forward to hearing of all of your holidays. This is so much a time for joy, reflection and family time. Debbie


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Debbie we did quite well too. I haven't blogged about it yet, still doig some reflecting, sometimes you need time to pass to do some reflecting and get things into perspective.


Glad all your planning worked out and your quiet Christmas provided the relaxation you needed.



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Debbie, I'm so glad you and Bruce had a nice Christmas. You make the most of everything for Bruce and he truly enjoys it. Bruce is lucky to have close friends who call him and keep in touch.


I am taking a page from your caregiving, and I'm going to try to include Larry more in preparations for the holidays and also other things in general. We all know it is better to keep our survivors active instead of being a spectator in the life around them.


Best wishes to you both for a happy New Year.



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It was so nice to read about your xhristmas holidays, you are amazing & loving caregiver who knows how to keep their survivor involved & active participant in this life's journey. you are doing amazing job. We are doing our normal every day things but at the leisurely pace, doing things it comes along watching movies, relaxing at home, eating out, thats our vacation so far, now next few days might go to NYC to see the christmas lights.



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Overall it turned out great in my opinion and I'm so happy for Bruce. I been in his shoes and I made it so he surely will too!


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