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The 12 Days After Christmas



The 12 Days AFTER Christmas,

The first day after Christmas

My true love and I had a fight

And so I chopped the pear tree down

And burnt it, just for spite

Then with a single cartridge

I shot that blasted partridge

My true love, my true love,

my true love gave to me.


The second day after Christmas

I pulled on the old rubber gloves

And very gently wrung the necks

Of both the turtle doves

My true love, my true love,

my true love gave to me.


On the third day after Christmas

My mother caught the croup

I had to use the three French hens

To make some chicken soup


The four calling birds were a big mistake

For their language was obscene


The five golden rings were completely fake

and turned my fingers green.


The sixth day after Christmas

The six laying geese wouldn't lay

So I sent the whole darn gaggle to the



On the seventh day, what a mess I found

The seven swans-a-swimming all had drowned

My true love, my true love,

my true love gave to me.


The eighth day after Christmas

Before they could suspect

I bundled up the

Eight maids-a-milking

Nine ladies dancing Ten lords-a-leaping

Eleven pipers piping

Twelve drummers drumming - well, actually I kept one of the dancing ladies -

And sent them back collect


I wrote my true love

"We are through, love!"

And I said in so many words

"Furthermore your Christmas gifts were for the Birds!" :big_grin:



Well, that's part of what we have known for many years, as long as I can remember 'not exactly', but it wasn't like that at my house! I got my wonderful wife a brand new 2012 Subaru Outback SUV. She wanted one but wouldn't ask me. She has done so, so much for me and my recovery it's the lease I could do at Christmas for her!


I got three more suits I didn't need in my mind but she handles all my clothes so I just say "OK dear!" :happydance:


Wishing all the members here a wonderful New Year with lots of recovery for every survivor and care giver here. Just remember, the first few years are the hardest but it does get better with time, lots of time. I got 8 years and still not out the water yet. Yes our care givers need recovery too, they do get tired and worn out.



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I am so glad christmas at your home is nothing like that song. congrats on new SUV & suits, you both are lucky to have each other in their life



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The ingratitude of it all, all those lords-a-leaping bundled up and sent back collect! I agree about the french hen soup though...yummy.


Glad your Christmas was a good one, we don't know what is ahead of us so we have to make each day count. Have a great 2012 too, it needs to be a healthy one for all of us.



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I must say it again. Your wife is an angel. I cannot wait to meet her.


Wow, Nice new vehicle. Great!!! Smashing suits for you. That's a wife for you...needs that handsome looking husband dressed to the T,s,



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